Identification of a new iris in an old iris garden?

Hulbert, OK(Zone 7a)

Good morning! In all the years I've grown Iris, I've never seen these. Maybe they
hitched a ride from my last abandoned home harvest. :-)

My plant books are packed away right now. :-(

Could someone assist with identification of the following bloom? Is it Iris versicolor
or a variant of some sort?

Many thanks!

Thumbnail by WUVIE
Enid, OK

A "new" old iris for sure! I am gonna say that is is mine

Thumbnail by enidcandles Thumbnail by enidcandles
Hulbert, OK(Zone 7a)

Ah, Good to know!

Concord, NC

i Agree with Lorie..sure looks like the Pink Sambucina to me :-)

Enid, OK

Sandra, I saw one recently that looked more brown I think? I don't remember where I saw the pic of it now. Is there anywhere to locate one like that?

Concord, NC

I Have that one it's a Brownish and Purple that is Similar looking to Fabian it came From DG member Harloiris in Montana (John)ill be happy to share it with You. i guess there are Different Regional Variations of Sambucina and they are all considered to be correct and called Sambucina as its one of the only species recognized as having authentic regional variations. There is Also a German one that looks like the Pinker Gypsy Queen Variant and There is one from Maryland to NE US that has less Purple and more Brown; and i think probably the Most Beautiful is the Pink One from Texas through Kansas and Midwest that You Have. Laetitia in NJ did an Article i read once online it was called Sleuthing Sambucina. scroll down to pages 13-14

Enid, OK

That's pretty cool, I had never read that article! Now I am in even more trouble..all those browns, wow! I want them all, I love the browns!!
Thank you, we will work out a trade through DMail later
Hope all is well!

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