Help!! My Daylillies changed color!! Why??

Pikeville, NC

My grandmother gave me quite a few of her daylilles before she passed. They
ranged in color from a deep purple to an almost white, a red, a double orange and
Lime Painted Lady. Two years ago I transferred the lilies from my backyard
to the front, now every one of them is an orange color.
How could that happen and is there any way to get the colors back? I never
dreamed they would all change color after all these years.
The red is an original, the orange is what it looks like now. Can someone explain this to me?

Thumbnail by mdh963 Thumbnail by mdh963
Contra Costa County, CA(Zone 9b)

I did not think they could.
a) All you moved were the golden yellows
b) The golden yellows produced seed that spread, and grew near enough to the red (or other colors) that when you transplanted what you had remembered as red you actually grabbed a seedling golden.

Pikeville, NC

I didn't think they could either.
a) I've never had the golden yellow color before now. And now it's the only color I have.
b) I moved every daylily I had from the back yard to a new bed in the front where I had no daylilies at all. There are no more daylilies in the back yard.
I'm baffled!!

Contra Costa County, CA(Zone 9b)

The the wee folk have been very busy replacing all your pretty red ones with golden ones.

Pikeville, NC

Must be...not real happy with them wee folk right now....just hurts my feelings that I've lost everything my grandmother gave me. She even tried her hand at hybridizing once and named it after me. That's gone too. Looks like I'll have to start over collecting more daylilies.

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