Beach plums blooming like crazy, will I get fuit this year?

Kensington, NY

I have waited for four years for anything resembling fruit. I bought two, so they could cross pollinate.
I fed them, watered them, was supposed to get fruit at year two. No good. Earlier this spring
I pruned them.They were pretty open anyhow, being they grew like shrubs,

I considered buying another but found no one sells them anymore. They seem to have been the
flavor of the month tree at one time but fell out of fashion afterward. Seems the fruits are teeny-tiny and
people lost patience.

There is about four and a half to five feet of space between them. If I planted a domestic plum would
it be fertile with these basically wild plums?
Maybe I should just give up and plant a dwarf cherry ( also prunus family, right?) with two types
of cherry via grafting or a even a goji. Those goji looked pretty good up at the nursery.

I wanted actual fruit, even if small.

Kensington, NY

I think I am getting some fruit this year! Since I wrote the above I have seen small oval bright green pods I have never seen before.
I promise to take pictures tomorrow when it stops raining all the time.
It seems the pruning I did early in the season stimulated the plants somehow- I got flowers that were white, then purple-pink. Now I have these little bright green footballs about the size of a thumbnail.
Does anyone know how big they get and when to pick them?
Heather Y.

Ayrshire Scotland, United Kingdom

I would suggest IF you have had flowers, you should get fruit, I'm not saying you will be looking to get a freezer full etc as the bushes need a few more years to build up their fruiting production, it never all happens in one season regardless of the type of fruit your growing with the exception of soft fruit like strawberries etc.
I would be offering the root area a good humus mulch to help hold moisture into the soil and maybe even add a few handful's of Blood / Fish / Bonemeal to the mulch, lightly fork this mixture into the top inch or two around the roots. This feed is slow release and has NO chemicals in it.
Make sure you water well when needed, the fruit will take up some moisture to swell the tiny fruits.
Hope this helps you out a bit and you at last enjoy some nice tasty jelly or pies etc.
By the way, forgot to remind you that you MAY have to net or frame the bushes from birds etc as these are a lovely meal for them.

Good luck, enjoy and lets know how it went.
Kindest regards.

Kensington, NY

Here are the pic, taken on my cell phone.

I will get out the bird netting, which is so hard to pick up and untangle I hate thinking about the stuff Nonetheless I will net them, because there are a _lot of these little guys!


Thumbnail by HeatherY Thumbnail by HeatherY
Kensington, NY

I got fruit, all right-about a cup and a half- maybe two. I ate a lot right away.
It was like eating cherries. The ripe ones were sweet and sof and the almost ripe ones
had a pleasant tang and texture.

I managed to freeze some, and I managed to save some seeds.Will they
be able to be fertile with their parent plants or do I need to get more individuals
Anyway, I want more.

The picture of the bucket has not just plums, but cherry tomatoes in it.
Heather Y

Thumbnail by HeatherY Thumbnail by HeatherY Thumbnail by HeatherY

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