Trouble in the Bluegrass

Scott County, KY(Zone 5b)

Something is ailing our Juniperus virginiana.

There are dead tips throughout the individual plants, and it seems to be striking native trees as well as planted specimens of 'Canaertii'.

We have had an above-average rainfall spring (March and April) which followed periods of extreme cold this winter.

Thumbnail by ViburnumValley Thumbnail by ViburnumValley Thumbnail by ViburnumValley Thumbnail by ViburnumValley Thumbnail by ViburnumValley
Nantucket, MA(Zone 7a)

So that is not just what we call Winter Burn? I have been out cutting out the brown on Junipers, but don't see anything alarming considering the storm damage we had this winter. Many Illex took a real beating especially the Ilex opaca as did some of our very old Juniperus virginiana that split from top to the ground as if they had been struck by lightening. The Pinus rigida took a major hit with the heavy snow in the late January storm that downed many very large limbs. We have finally finished cutting up and burning them this past week. Our Bulbs thrived with the snow cover and we seem to have come out without loses to all our other shrubs except a Gardenia that I planted with a wish and pray last year. Neither worked and Gardenia jasminoides aka angusta aka florida aka grandiflora aka radicans Summer Snow didn't like Snow after all. And with so much confusion about the name, perhaps it best. Hope your browning isn't a new pest or blight. Patti

Scott County, KY(Zone 5b)

Online review leads me to think this might be Phomopsis - but I know next to nothing about Juniperus virginiana problems beyond the normal cedar-apple rust.

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