Status update!

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

Okay, it's taken us several weeks to get it this far, but we are attaching the film today - woohoo! The only thing left to do is to wrap the screen door and attach it; create a ventilation "system" at the far end; and install benches.

I am very fortunate because the GH is within a few feet of an outdoor GFCI electrical plug, and within hose range for water. It's also within 25 feet of an outside door and the trip to and fro is under cover of a carport :) (Yes, I can visit my GH in my bunny slippers this winter, LOL!)

Expenditures up to this point? Let's see...
$300 - PVC, wood and bolts/nuts to create the structure
+160 - plastic film (20' x 100' of 6 mm "super dura UV film)
$460 to-date to create a 10x12 PVC greenhouse.

I'd guess it'll take at least another $50-$100 for lumber to construct two 36" x 12' benches.

I'm posting this in hopes that it may be helpful to those of you contemplating building a small GH. I'll try to create a detailed materials list and put some photos on my personal page here so if you want to replicate it, you'll have all the info you need.

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Congrats! It's all coming together!! Yee-haww!!! You're gonna love it! (especially if you can wear your bunny slippers to get to it!) I don't think you'll spend $100 for a couple benches, unless you plan on making them very glorified! Did you decide on the heat source yet, if any?
Would love to see some pics!

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

Thanks, Shoe! I'm pretty excited about it :) Heat source will be passive solar (black horse trough filled with water), plus a small electric heater when the temps really get low - hopefully not too often this winter.

Cheap benches, huh? It seems I can't walk out of Home Depot without dropping a "Benjamin", so I'm preparing myself for the worst.

Seriously, the benches will be 36" wide x 13' long, two of 'em. Even with cheap grade lumber, it'll cost me some dollars to throw them together - we are terrible about tossing scrap lumber when we're through with a project, so we never have any lying around to build piddly stuff like this :(

Mason, MI

Hi Terry, Re: your benches & keeping the cost down...
Why not just use some old tables?
We (initially) thought we'd build benches for our greenhouse,
and have seen some really nice ones in a
greenhouse locally,
but ended up using old, high school lab tables
(from our local school's auction) @50 cents a piece, complete with graffiti! I also have
some of the old, porcelian-top kitchen work tables
out in the greenhouse, too. My husband put casters
on them so I can roll them pretty much anywhere
I need them.
Will you be posting some photos of your new greenhouse?
I'd love to see how it turned out!
Melissa :-)

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

Melissa, that's a great idea! Unfortunately, I have zero, zilch, nada, absolutely no patience at this point to wait for something to come up for sale :(

So, I bit the bullet, and bought more 1x4 lumber. We won't discuss price, but let's just say it was in the range I gave above.

Good news - my shelves are built and I've moved several gallons/quarts of perennials into the GH. Spent about an hour washing up dozens of flats and cell packs, and they're lined up waiting for potting soil and seeds - woohoo! I can fit 28 flats on each bench, or 56 flats total with the current shelf space.

I feel soooo "legitimate" now with my GH really and truly finished. And I am so grateful to my understanding husband and kids, who have supported this wish of mine, helped me put it together, and were all happy for me when it was finished.

Photos coming soon, I promise - I snapped a bunch today of my "handymen" as well as some (hopefully) good shots of the GH itself!

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