What eats pea leaves?

Kensington, NY

After years of terrible luck with growing peas from seed (stunted little plants with skeleton-ized leaves) I have purchased pea plants from the store.

I planted several among the tomato patch and the leaves are just munched away on most of them.
I have been using neem and dormant oil as per package instructions, BTW.
I will post pictures as soon as my camera battery re charges.
Heather Y

Oh yes, the peas over by the fence don't seem to having this problem.

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

Roly polies, snails, slugs are the usual leaf culprits, especially on seedlings. I sprinkle Sluggo Plus around my seedlings to help deter the pests.

Kensington, NY

Thanks for the hint, Stephanie. I will try Sluggo. I have a snail problem anyhow, and the local opossum does not visit often enough make a dent in them when the weather gets wet.

thanks again

Kensington, NY

Here are some images of the poor little plants.

Thumbnail by HeatherY Thumbnail by HeatherY Thumbnail by HeatherY
Lincoln, NE

That's what happened to mine as well. I've given up on them since it's starting to get hot. I'll have to try something to keep away the slugs next year.

Kensington, NY

More peas? It is about time to decide whether to try again.

In my neighborhood my neighbors do not have to replant their ornamentals because they are thriving! Summer sun does not bother them.

I took pictures many times when I first came to the neighborhood-I have a screen saver I call "pretty peas". They are a purplish pink, big blossoms, and grow tall.

Has anyone heard of eating these peas? I took a sample of one just for taste and it was just like an edible pea. The shell is tough - you'd have to shell them.
Heather Y.

Liberty Hill, TX(Zone 8a)

Are you talking about Sweet Peas? They come in many colors sizes. I hope not, they are TOXIC. Please, don't eat anything until you know that it is safe....

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

Be careful the ornamental sweet peas Lathyrus latifolius the pernnial one and Lathyrus odoratus the annual are both toxic. Eating peas are Pisum sativum

This message was edited Aug 29, 2015 5:46 PM

Kensington, NY

I tasted just two but did not swallow. Still alive! ;-D !

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