Paper whites

Bryan, TX(Zone 8b)

I have lots of nice, large bulbs to trade. I'm not very picky about what i'm looking for but would like to find more good, hardy perennials for my garden. Just let me know what you've got :)

(Robin) Blissfield, MI(Zone 6a)

Cassandra, would you be interested in Forget-Me-Not Myotosis sylvatica, a self seeding biennial?

Bryan, TX(Zone 8b)

Yes, I would! Ive been looking for shade plants :) Would you like to trade it for some of my paperwhites?

(Robin) Blissfield, MI(Zone 6a)

Yes, as a matter of fact...I'd love to trade for some of your Paperwhites!
Dmail me or I'll dmail you later this evening so you can tell me how many plants you'd like.

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