anyone else growing goji berries?

Davie, FL(Zone 10b)

I just got 3 goji plants from Wal-Mart & i live in zone 10...i put them in the ground but they don't look happy but I'm getting they grow in south Florida? says only zone 9 at the has been really hot...& recently raining like crazy

Also I've seen lots of white flies all of a sudden around the plant but when i check under it i don't see the typical white fly damage or "rings"...are these plants targets for a lot of pests

And i also wanted to know if you have to keep them tied up to a stick or if they can just hang & grow however it wants?

Thumbnail by Adrastia217
Clermont, FL(Zone 9a)

Please keep us posted on their growing. I love the berries but they are very expensive to buy.

Maybe I could grow some here in zone 9.

Davie, FL(Zone 10b)

Well my plants are still unhappy...lost a lot of leaves...they just fall off...not sure if they're unhappy due to the soil, the heat, bugs, water, etc...but at same time new leaves & flowers still grow...the bushes are just very thin looking in general

Winter Springs, FL(Zone 9b)

I was looking at some at a plant show a few months back and the dealer told me zone 9 and less, they need a certain amount of chill hours. I passed on them because they were pretty expensive. Probably just too hot in S. FL.

Davie, FL(Zone 10b)

That's what I'm thinking...i should have left them on my patio instead...idk...I'm afraid that if i take them back out of the ground they'll just go into shock...i just assumed that if it's sold here then it's meant for here...guess not...Lol...the Wal-Mart i go to also had this one flower i wanted to buy for mother's day called a sun star or something like that but the tag says it's hardy to only 80 degrees...i just don't see the point of even selling it here unless they make a sign saying indoor only plants...which unfortunately there is no sign & the little tags in the plants don't tell you enough information...i guess I'll just have to Google everything before i buy it

Winter Springs, FL(Zone 9b)

Yeah, Wal-mart sells all kinds of out of zone plants, but you can find some great stuff there at good prices since they have no clue what they're selling ☺

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

You cannot go by the old adage "If it's sold here it will grow here." I got Coral Bells, Hostas, and a dozen other plants in Jax that were toast in one season.
Save your receipts and make notations as to what plants they are for. I got back my $20 for an awesome Hibiscus that went roots up before the year was up from Home Depot.

Miami, FL(Zone 10a)

Just saw your post. I live in zone 10a (Miami) and weekends have been spent closing up veg garden and doing maintenance and enjoying the rest of the garden :)

I planted goji more than a year ago, bought from Burpee's that had it listed as thru zone 10 (don't recall northernmost zone). It turned out to be very weedy looking and didn't seem to be thriving. I'd fertilize it monthly (10-10-10), water periodically etc. The flowers/berries that appeared were super small and sparse, 1 or 2 at a time and a long time in between. Even the birds weren't impressed. It did attract some bugs tho, but not the ones I wanted to see on the other plants. If it had been remotely interesting looking, I would have kept at it but ended up pulling it up and planted cannas in its place. Well, turns out I'm going to be pulling it up for a long time because the residual shoots doing much better than the original plant. Had I known goji was persistent (and maybe invasive) here, I would have potted it instead.

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Yes, it's very sneaky and invasive.

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