my 2015 flowers

Lakeview, OH

As you all know nothing much is blooming now, I just came in from planting one pkg of pearly gates morning glories and one pkg of French Dwarf Double Mix marigolds. I put the morning glories in the same area as the ones I planted last year and the marigolds in the area where my morning glory tower is, that area gets a lot of sun. Over the course of days I will plant more morning glory seeds and see what comes up, I don't have any pink ones but last summer I had a pink one bloom! Don't know how that happened but it was pretty. Was thinking about starting some salvia bonfire seeds indoors and see what happens.

Staten Island, NY(Zone 6a)

My primroses are blooming nicely and the tulips and daffodils are popping up all over.

Thumbnail by cytf Thumbnail by cytf Thumbnail by cytf Thumbnail by cytf Thumbnail by cytf
Lititz, PA(Zone 6b)

My gosh, there's TONS blooming right now in our yard. I'm at work and don't have the pics now but last year I planted 1000+ bulbs and they are paying off big right now. Your prims are quite nice cytf.

Staten Island, NY(Zone 6a)

Thank you Sequioad, the primroses just laughed at the snow because they were covered by tons of snow and survived the brutal winter.When you get home show us your flowers, I know your tulips must be beautiful.

Lititz, PA(Zone 6b)

Yeah I love prims but they only grow as annuals for me. The only year I had them, it snowed and they looked quite lovely with an inch of snow around them. Last year I got a different type of prim from Bluestone but the darned thing needed so much water I just couldn't keep up with it and it died. I now have an heirloom prim from a fellow DGer and it held its own last season (planted post bloom) and looks to be ready to bloom so I think I finally have a winner.

Lakeview, OH

I meant not in my yard :) I planted a pkg of marigolds, They are called French Dwarf Double mix. I hope they come up, this will be the first time trying to grow them. Will update when they start to grow.

Lititz, PA(Zone 6b)

Gotchya ;-)

The only annual I'm growing from seed is Chamaecrista fasciculata. All have come up and are growing in my WS containers. I fell in love with it while on a nature trail last September. It will probably be a staple in our garden.

This weekend will be when I get all my annuals. I don't bother planting them by seed because there are so many Amish places around here that sell them for super cheap. I can go spend 40 bucks and walk out with over 100 annuals easy. They are 10 bucks a tray of 48 I think. I usually buy some specialty ones in quart containers too though.

I forgot we had church last night so I'll have to post some pics this evening.

Staten Island, NY(Zone 6a)

Hi Sequoiadendron 4,I bought my primroses from Michigan Bulb about four years ago and the next year I lost Two and they replace them for me . That is what I like about that company, and have been ordering from them for over thirty years now.

Lititz, PA(Zone 6b)

Wow, are they bare root or potted?

Staten Island, NY(Zone 6a)

They were potted.

Lakeview, OH

Planted some Petunia seeds in the pot where the flower rocket was, it fizzled:( A few things came up got about a inch or two and then died, it started to mold so I gave it the old heave ho! So if anybody else has better luck then I did, I congratulate you, this is one thing that did not go anywhere for me.

Lititz, PA(Zone 6b)

Here are some pics of blooming things at our house. These were all taken on Sunday. More new things are blooming though so I'll have to take new pics this weekend. Pic 5 is called Exotic Emperor Tulip.

Thumbnail by Sequoiadendron4 Thumbnail by Sequoiadendron4 Thumbnail by Sequoiadendron4 Thumbnail by Sequoiadendron4 Thumbnail by Sequoiadendron4
Staten Island, NY(Zone 6a)

I like how you mix the tulip with the daffodils they are beautiful ,will try to do that next fall .I need to dig up some of my Tulips because some of them just have curly leaves but no flowers. They were planted seven years ago but hubby have to help me do the digging.

Lititz, PA(Zone 6b)

Thanks! I group them together so the daffs can protect the tulips from moles and rabbits. Daffs are toxic to animals. It's a trick I learned from a member on here and I've had good success. It looking nice is just a by-product ;-)

Lakeview, OH

Set my amaryllis out yesterday, I put them by the latticework in front where they will get sun but some shade too, I know they said mother's day but I could not wait. I also had a idea, I am going to take several packages of morning glory seeds, put them all in a bowl and stir them up and then plant them. It will be interesting to see what comes up, I would like for them to sprawl on the ground but don't know if they will have the desired effect. Will keep you updated with pictures when I have something to show you, right now there is nothing that is blooming in my yard but the Hostas are growing and so is the Irises, I have a question, I need to divide some of the Irises they are getting too bunched up and I need to thin them out, can someone tell me a easy way to divide them?

Lakeview, OH

planted marigolds again today and morning glories.

Lititz, PA(Zone 6b)

Empty, I think I read somewhere on here that someone was going to put some caging up on a rock pile and plant morning glories all around. Your idea about stirring a mix sounds like a good one. It will be fun to see what comes up. As far as the iris goes, I don't have any experience with them but I'd imagine that you would either dig and divide or just use a shovel to split them apart. Glad you got your marigolds in, now you have something blooming :)

Lakeview, OH

I have marigold seedsin now, not plants. I did make myself clear on that point:) I planted two pkgs so will be interesting to see them, they are called French Dwarf Double Mix, has anyone had any experience with these? They are supposed to grow 12 inches, which where I put them should be just fine.

Staten Island, NY(Zone 6a)

I divided my Irises two years ago and I googled it and I went by the instructions .They did not bloom the first year so I hope they do this year.

Lakeview, OH

I think my cactuses are doing better, I watered them and they are standing straighter then they were, they were kind of lying down, I watered them until the water drained out of the holes in the bottom, the friend who gave it to me said I don't need to water it any more, just let mother nature take care of the watering needs. I also watered the morning glory seeds and the marigold seeds and also the mums, not sure but I think the mums are coming back, there is something green in the pot with the dry looking stems! I also watered them and the marigold seeds and also the other morning glory seeds in the morning glory tower. Will try to get a picture of them so you can see what I mean.

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Lititz, PA(Zone 6b)

Are you planning on planting out the cactus at all? Or are you going to keep it in the pot?

Lakeview, OH

keeping it in the pot, why?

Lititz, PA(Zone 6b)

Just wondering. That thing is going to get big. They end up turning into a decent sized ground cover.

Lakeview, OH

If it gets too big I will just transplant it into a bigger pot. Or should I transplant it now?

Lakeview, OH

My marigolds are coming up in both places!!!!

Lititz, PA(Zone 6b)

How long has it been in the current pot? That's exciting about your marigolds!

Lakeview, OH

The cactus has been in that same pot about 2 or 3 weeks, and yes it is exciting about the marigolds.

Lititz, PA(Zone 6b)

Well if it's only been in that pot for a little, that's fine. I just wanted you to know that over the span of a few years those things can cover a decent amount of sq ft.

Lakeview, OH

Is this big enough to transplant?

Thumbnail by emptyeyes
Lakeview, OH

My neighbor helped me with this project, tell me what you think of my idea of protecting it?

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Lititz, PA(Zone 6b)

Did your little seedling transplant okay? Had I been able to respond sooner, I may have said that I wouldn't transplant it. It looks pretty tiny. I would ask how the roots looked, like did they reach the bottom of the pot yet?

Lakeview, OH

It transplanted just fine, it perked up after the small shower we got the other day.

Lititz, PA(Zone 6b)

Awesome, what kind of plant is it?

Lakeview, OH

It is a tomato plant and it is called boy-o-boy.

Lititz, PA(Zone 6b)

Awesome, hopefully it produces well for you.

Lakeview, OH

This is my four o'clocks, they are tied to hummingbird stakes that we do not use so I devised a way to utilize them differently, I hope these bloom, I have never had these kind of flowers before. My hubby got me over 100 packages of seed last year when they marked them down, I can't plant all of them due to the fact not enough room and not enough sun. So I have some plants in the house.

Thumbnail by emptyeyes
Lakeview, OH

Here is a picture of my Coleus in the picture window, can't have them outside because of the squirrels, so have them there, they really love the sun. The colors are outstanding!

Thumbnail by emptyeyes
Staten Island, NY(Zone 6a)

Hi emptyeyes,you can put them in the garden and sprinkle some black pepper around them and put some rocks arond the plant because the squirrel cannot move the rocks.I usually buy the black pepper at the 99 cents store.

Lititz, PA(Zone 6b)

Yes, black pepper and I also use crushed red pepper. Those two usually keep them from being jerks to your stuff. Nice coleus EE.

Lakeview, OH

Got a question, my hubby accidently knocked one of my coleus plants down this evening, it came out of the pot and broke into, I put the potting soil back in the container, put the coleus back(it still had a root attached, and watered it from the bottom. It looks like it is taking the water up. Will it grow again?

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