Christmas Grab Bag

Albany, NY(Zone 5a)

I have a mix of various flower seeds, probably about 100-125 seeds per package, that I would like to send out as a "Christmas Grab Bag". In exchange I would like to receive a grab bag from you so suprise me with some flower seeds. Happy holidays and everyone have a safe holiday season.

Milo, IA(Zone 5a)

Would love to exchange a Christmas Grab Bag of seeds. Debby

Penns Grove, NJ(Zone 7a)

would like to trade grab bags with you. email me if interested.


Albany, NY(Zone 5a)

Send me your addresses

Negaunee, MI(Zone 3b)

If you send me one I will send you a surprise. -Susie-Q

Dexter, MI(Zone 5b)

I love surprises! And I'd like to send you some surprise seeds, too. Please e-mail me.

Anderson, TX(Zone 8a)

Count me in!

Zebulon, NC(Zone 7a)

If still availabile I am interested!

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