PlantFiles is getting a new look

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

We have a new look coming to PlantFiles that will make the navigation a little easier - and the best news of all - it will be portable for those with tablets and smart phones! No more squinting at tiny little images and text.

When we roll this upgrade out, you may experience compatibility problems if your browser version is no longer supported. Here is the list of supported browsers for computers and mobile devices:

Web browsers
Internet Explorer 8.0+
Firefox 35.0+
Chrome 40.0+
Safari 7.1+

Phones and Other Mobile Devices
iOS 7.1+
Android 4.1+
Windows 8

Not sure what browser version you're using?

For Macs and PCs:
Internet Explorer:
Firefox users:

For phones and other devices:
Windows phone:

Beautiful, BC(Zone 8b)

Wahoo!!!! Bring it on.

Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

It is going to be soooo beautiful Mike!

Beautiful, BC(Zone 8b)

New plantfiles, moving to a new home...I need to go buy a new outfit. So exciting!!!

Benton, KY(Zone 7a)


Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

Quote from growin :
New plantfiles, moving to a new home...I need to go buy a new outfit. So exciting!!!

Good luck on the move - and the new outfit shopping!

Beautiful, BC(Zone 8b)

Long over due move. I'll give Plantfiles a shot on my android. When is it going live? Love the upgrade!!!!

Beautiful, BC(Zone 8b)

another question. I've not looked into how to add an icon to my phone. Is there an easy way to add the plantfiles page as an icon in Android? This would be helpful to gardeners in the store, landscapers at the nursery, etc. for quick access.

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Now that I know what an "app" is, I think a DG app would be terrific, but you know that.

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

I sure hope it is more user friendly than the last one. It was terrible. I quit using
PF on the new one and used google instead. Will be interesting to see. When is this happening?

(Sallie) Cherry Vall, IL(Zone 5a)

Quote from growin :
another question. I've not looked into how to add an icon to my phone. Is there an easy way to add the plantfiles page as an icon in Android? This would be helpful to gardeners in the store, landscapers at the nursery, etc. for quick access.

Until there's an actual Android app for DG, you can create a browser shortcut on your home screen. I use Chrome on my Android phone (may be the same for other browsers.) Go to Dave's Garden- home page or Plant Files or whatever page you like. Tap the vertical "..." in the upper right corner and select "Add to homescreen". Edit the title to whatever you want- ex: "Plant Files", then tap the "Add" button.

Beautiful, BC(Zone 8b)

Thanks SallieKr!

(Zone 5a)

What will happen to the current photos and comments?

Will this be compatible with Linux operating systems? We've noticed how the same version of Firefox looks completely different on Windows as it does on Linux. And at times, we cannot use some sites because it HAS to be Windows or Mac.

Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

All current photos and comments, zip code reports, trade list offerings and PlantScout links will be migrated over to the new platform.

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Sallie, thanks!

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

To clarify, this isn't a separate app - it will make the site "responsive" to your device, meaning it will not merely shrink down when you view it on a phone or tablet, but will be slightly different in its configuration so it is still readable and functional.

We do ask for your patience and forbearance - when we roll this out, the individual plant pages will look different, especially if you're using it on a mobile device (but even if you're viewing it on your laptop or desktop monitor.)

The main page and the search and browse results pages will not have any noticeable changes initially. We'll be making adjustments to those pages soon.

After that, we'll be adjusting the search and browse to be MUCH more user-friendly to all - whether you're an experienced PF user, or a first-timer to the site. I'm most excited about that step, but it's a ways away.

We'll keep you posted with a heads-up before we roll out each phase - starting with this first one which will be released sometime today.

In return we do ask one big favor from all our members: please remember that these changes are being made in order to provide a better experience for everyone. Even if it doesn't feel better at first, or something doesn't work the way you expected it would, or you just don't like it...our goal is to make things better for the majority of our members.

We will happily address any and all concerns and questions, but let's keep all comments and opinions constructive, even when they are critical, please.

(Zone 5a)

After reading the above, I checked it out. So far, it works nicely on my computer. I even left a comment for something to see how it would go. And it seems nice on the eyes. I do not really know how to explain that otherwise.

I hope I did not sound harsh about my concern of PC usage. A site I used a lot was changing things toward mobile-users so much that the laptop and PC users were having more and more difficulties.

One thing I appreciate is the Show More feature for zip codes to minimize a lot of scrolling for popular plants. Same with comments. If I want to read more of the longer ones, I can chose to do so, or ignore if I want.

Thank you for this. :) I now need to get myself outside before the predicted rains!

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

That's great to hear - and your comments weren't harsh; I completely understand your concerns and it's a valid point you are making.

We're getting a day of gentle spring rains and thunder here. I am hoping for some dry weather tomorrow to get some weeding done. My hostas are hiding behind weeds, and I'd really rather be able to look out my office window and see hosta leaves and not hen bit and other scruffy stuff that grows like...well, like weeds :-).

Algonquin, IL(Zone 5a)'s GORGEOUS!! It reminds me of some of the higher class plant catalogs/websites or Chicago Botanic Garden website, which I love, but the new PlantFiles is even better!

It's beautiful to look at and so organized. I guess I'll be spending even more time there now.

I do have one complaint, am I going to tear myself away from PlantFiles to get outside?

Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

Quote from nutsaboutnature :'s GORGEOUS!! It reminds me of some of the higher class plant catalogs/websites or Chicago Botanic Garden website, which I love, but the new PlantFiles is even better!

It's beautiful to look at and so organized. I guess I'll be spending even more time there now.

I do have one complaint, am I going to tear myself away from PlantFiles to get outside?

This is just the 'phase 1' we hope the next features will be received as is really beautiful!

Mission Bend, TX

It looks okay, but I find little more annoying than paying for a subscription and still have to fight off pop-up ads and multiple ads within each page. If I am paying a subscription, I should be free from this barrage. If a site is advertising-based, then stop charging subscriptions.

Beautiful, BC(Zone 8b)

Lmaris - I've never had pop-up adds. Must be stuff on your computer.

Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

Quote from Lmaris :
It looks okay, but I find little more annoying than paying for a subscription and still have to fight off pop-up ads and multiple ads within each page. If I am paying a subscription, I should be free from this barrage. If a site is advertising-based, then stop charging subscriptions.

You had your ads turned on...I just turned them off.
Each member has to choose whether to see the ads...we do not automatically turn them off for subscribers.

Portsmouth, VA(Zone 8a)

Wow, I like the way this is looking with the new features and controls, it looks good on my smartphone too, thanks for advise about "add to home-screen"!


Hats off to DG! I'm glad I renewed my subscription again!! This is a great new feature, and I'm excited to see how accessible it is on my iPhone. I want to commend DG for always keeping accessibility in mind. Now with the new plantfiles, I'll definitely be coming back more!

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

It's good to see the improvements. It always takes a little time to get the kinks out - but so worth it.

Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

Remember...this is just 'Phase 1'...they are working to add more responsive features and to finish up the other pages. That will roll out in a few weeks.

Also, we got another present yesterday.
Go to Guides and Information...and select the Articles tab.

There's still some work to do to get it completed, but it has a fresh new look as well....and looks great on the mobile devices as well!

Algonquin, IL(Zone 5a)

I really LOVE the new look of the articles feature! I'll be visiting that section a whole lot more, now. It feels like I found a new website I've never seen before.

Usually when I find a special website I save it in my favorites or pin it to my computer screen, but instead I just click on the DG Guides & Information tab. That's so cool!

Nuts ... that's just perfect, a wonderful suggestion. Thank you!

And I love reading the articles but often miss them. This makes them easy to find. Once again, thanks to DG. I'm finding it all very accessible! Keep up the great work!

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

It's nice to hear that you-all like it, too! I am so proud of the work our tech team has done to make the site more portable on our mobile devices, and the "facelift" which really shows off all those gorgeous PlantFiles pictures we've got.

As Melody mentioned, this is just the start - we have more revisions coming, and hopefully they will all be as smooth as these changes have been. We'll keep you posted each time we're ready to roll out the next one.

Springfield, OR(Zone 8a)

Umm, I'm sure it's me doing something wrong, but I don't know what the 'it' is. My plantfiles, on mobile device, is the same as before. Am I supposed to change something in my profile or anything like that?

Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

Quote from 13Turtles :
Umm, I'm sure it's me doing something wrong, but I don't know what the 'it' is. My plantfiles, on mobile device, is the same as before. Am I supposed to change something in my profile or anything like that?

We only have the individual entries updated right now. The various landing pages are still the same. It is just when you get to the cultivar pages where the changes have happened so far.

Springfield, OR(Zone 8a)

Oops. Thanks Melody.

San Leandro, CA(Zone 9b)

So now I get ads on the main plant page that has the plant details but when I click on a photo on that page it takes me to the multiple photo page which looks just like it did before.

The first plant page which gives the plant details that has the ads, has no place for me to click on to add a photo. So does it think I am not signed in?


Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

They're working on that Kell.

The gallery pages aren't done yet, but should be shortly. They are also aware that some folks are seeing ads and are addressing that as well. (a bug)

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

And an update - we are hoping to roll out some additional mobile-friendly pages shortly, so more of the pages will work properly on your phone and tablet.

As for the ads appearing, this is my personal recommendation to anyone who is annoyed by ads: get an ad-blocker extension for your browser. A quick Google search of "ad blocker" and your browser's name will give you some choices, and information on each. These extensions are free, they are safe, and easy to install. They will eliminate ads from just about every website everywhere. I know that isn't advice that I should be giving, since a lot of our DG's revenue is derived from ads, but it's what I did years ago, and I live in blissful ignorance of ads almost everywhere I venture online.

San Leandro, CA(Zone 9b)

The ads do not bother me but since I can no longer add any photos to PlantFiles I was thinking with the ads showing, that for some reason PlantFiles does not view me as a member or as being signed in.

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

If you don't see the link to add a comment or photo, then that area is not "seeing" you as logged in. Can you take a screen shot and post it here? I need to be able to see the upper right-hand corner where it should say either "Log Out" or "Log In"

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

But one more thing - to be clear - the upload an image link has moved. It's not at the bottom as it was before; it's now closer to the links to add the plant to your trade list or journal, or add your ZIP code.

Cairo, Egypt(Zone 10a)

Any thoughts of creating an Android App for DG?

A perfect app would combine DG's rich database and content with the Plant File App's Structure and Gardening info (this is not DG's PF) with Botaniculum's clean interface and graphics!

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