Looking for plain old fashioned pussy willow

Canton, IL(Zone 5b)

Can anyone tell me where I can find/buy a pussy willow plant? Not the colored ones, but just the simple normal old fashioned colored one.

I want a real plant, not a 6" - 12" stick. I got a couple from national arbor day foundation last year and they died. Plus were little bitty things.

I love pussy willows and have had them for years. I lost mine when we moved and I was unable to bring it or any part of it with me.

I have seen plenty of pink ones and black ones for sale, but none of the normal color ones.

Please, if you can help me find where to buy a good one, I would so much appreciate it!!!!

Saint Louis, MO(Zone 6a)

Dave's Garden has a Plant Files application where you can look up plants and it will show which vendors sell it. I presume you mean Salix discolor (which is the north American pussy willow). Plant files shows 2 vendors selling it. Here's the link: http://davesgarden.com/products/ps/go/53021/
I hope I did that right...
Or, I suspect there may be a number of nurseries in your area willing to get you one, if you ask.

Canton, IL(Zone 5b)

Thank you for the link. I think I have found what I was looking for and wanted from the link.

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