Peach trees at Roundup?

Fort Worth, TX

Anyone want a peach tree? Last year my backyard peach of unknown variety (receipt is around here somewhere) went into drought slow mode, the fruit did not ripen until late September, after we had significant rainfall. It got so heavy with fruit the top center branch broke off (at which point I had to do a massive fruit thin - my bees were super pollinators)

I have at least a dozen baby peach trees in my compost pile, am going to pot some up, anyone who wants one or more please reply so I don't waste too much potting soil and pots on orphans. All my daughters are getting one for sure.

The peach bucket photo was Sept 24th harvest. Got so many I learned to can them!

Thumbnail by Gypsi Thumbnail by Gypsi Thumbnail by Gypsi
Magnolia, TX(Zone 8b)

I would like 4 of your peach seedlings. I'll swap you a bag of Miracle Grow & any pots you want.
My dad has had 2 peach trees in the bkyard since the 60's. My Dad passed a few yrs ago & since then they have both died. I would like to replace them with your babies.
Oh, yea, they lived @ 820 & 30!

Fort Worth, TX

well right now I have 6 potted and half spoken for, but I haven't dug up the compost pile trees yet. Will get them as soon as I can. They will be under 12 inches tall probably, but time between now and RU to be sure all are strong and will make.

Fort Worth, TX

OK, potted up 12 more peach trees for RU, so let me know if you want one and what you want to trade! and yes you are on Smockette! There are still at least half a dozen in the compost pile. I had garden soil delivered today so I'm potting them in it, supposed to be a mix of sandy loam, mushroom compost and a little mulch.

Fort Worth, TX

Have about 24 potted trees available, as long as they all live, the rain has been a blessing, they look healthy

Magnolia, TX(Zone 8b)

Just sent you a D-mail! Need to know what size pots you need!!!
Also, have big buckets w/locking lids if you need any.
I'm headed up in the AM so LMK!!!

Dallas, TX

Ok you two. Keep in mind that I will be setting up a pot shop (free, of course) at Sheila's. Aside from little guys, I have some larger pots. I'll check on size of bigger ones in a little bit. Gotta run an errand first before I go play in the dirt.

Be happy to take some compost off your hands, Gypsi, if you have too much. :D I know your bringing me a big bag of leaves and that alone makes me happy. Definitely don't need a peach tree. Thanks for the offer.

Dallas, TX

Gypsi - I only looked at 2 of the pots that happened to be on top of something I was reaching for. Both of them say they are 3 gallon pots. Got lots more, but thought I'd see if 3 gallon size is big enough. I have a few that are the size that garden centers often sell trees in. Like really big.

Fort Worth, TX

I will take any and all pots, 1 gallon, 3 gallon and 5 gallon. A few 25 gallon (tree size) would not be bad as I am starting some redbuds and oaks in 1 gallon and they will have to be stepped up until ready to go in the ground. I do not have a bag of leaves for anyone, unless they came out of a fish pond (which means they are heavy and very high in acorns and nitrates). I do have a couple of bags of hardwood mulch, need to see if ants have gotten to them.

Dallas, TX

Update - was working in yard and thought I should put some pots in one of those large trash bags and then move the bag to my car. I think all are 3 gallon. Turned out that I did that just in time b/c I heard thunder and knew what was coming next! It's one thing to have dirty pots and a whole 'nother thing for them to be wet. But I do hope you do mean any and all. When I originally got the 3 gallon pots that a neighbor put out for trash, there were 80 of them. I'm not bringing quite that many because I need to save room for the pinchers, quarts and gallon sizes. Also have some peat pots still in plastic wrappers. (A store near me went out of business and sold stuff at 75% off so I stocked up, mostly on yummy things like liquid seaweed and fish emulsion. That's where I got the peat pots.)

As I was passing by on my way to the car I took a quick look at one of the big pots. It has '15' on it but from what I've been told, every manufacturer uses a different system so it may or may not be 15 gallons. If the rain stops long enough to dry that out, I'll bring it. Have another large one somewhere in the backyard. Might be a little larger, not sure.

If anyone else is reading this, worry not. I'm also bring 1 or 2 trash bags of smaller pots. Those are in my garage.

I have more than my fair share of acorns, thank you. And it's been a bumper crop year for them. I was able to spread 6 or 7 bags of mulch before the rain started. Some of it cedar, some hardwood. Will take any as long as no ants!

Fort Worth, TX

anyone that got a peach tree it is up pot time, I have mine next to my garden so the sprinkler waters them, but the roots need good depth in pots to be ready for fall planting. I still have 15 or 20, message me if yours dies.

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