Someone have this one to help me identify?

Apple Valley, United States

This one bloomed 4/3/2015 at 28" 1st year. Large bloom, whitish ribs on standards. Beard white and orange in the throat. White blending under the beard.

Thumbnail by CAndersen Thumbnail by CAndersen
Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

That is a beautiful Tall bearded iris. Do not know the cultivar. Sorry.

Grows from rhizomes/roots; Rhizomes multiply in the for of a "Y". Old roots die off.

Every 3 years or so--it can be divided. Read up on how!.

Look out for iris borers. Their small larva make their way down inside the long leaves
and end up in the roots, where they bore into the root and chew their way all
through it, affecting future growth. They a=are, by then, fat caterpillars.

Keep an eye on the leaves...if you see a trail of something traveling down it--
squish them in the leaf.

Dust them with Sevin or some other caterpillar killer.

I know this is not a lot of "expert" advice--but take it for what it is.


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