Seekin opinion about a potted fir transplanted in the garden

Sofia, Bulgaria

I have a potted Christmas fir I bought..silver fir i think. It stayed inside for a lil over a month…half of the time in a colder place, a porch without windows. I waited for so long cause the weather outside was awful around -10 celsius and I didn’t think its appropriate to plant it then. When a more mild weather came in February, the needles were already to starting to fall off. As I took it out of the pot, I saw that the longest root seemed to be severed and the end was starting to get slippery..probably they severed some of the roots to fit the pot better, something I didn’t know they do:(
I know I made mistakes, but I don’t for the tree to pay for them. Could I help it any way to survive if there is still a slim chance? I watered it every 10 days while in the pot. And I plant it in a sunny place, with soil for pine trees and straws on top to protect the roots from the cold, but it continues to die:(
If you tell me ur opinion I'd be most grateful

Thumbnail by Elgyn
Lititz, PA(Zone 6b)

There are others here way more versed on this topic than I but I'll take a crack at it for you. I would venture to guess that your tree does not 'continue to die' but that the damage that has already been done is still working through the needles. You're going to come to a critical point here in a few weeks during the spring bud break. If it flushes out new growth, you're in the clear. My suggestion would be to continue to care for it as you have been and wait to see if the buds flush out. If they do, then I'd plant it. If not, then you didn't waste time planting a dead tree.

Sofia, Bulgaria

Sorry if i wasnt very clear about it...its already planted in the garden, the pic is from there. I dont water it in the garden now, cause it rains often these.
Thank you for your advice...ill wait to see if any buds come out=)

Lititz, PA(Zone 6b)

Alright, well good luck with it! I hope it lives.

Northumberland, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

It is a Norway Spruce / Обикновен смърч. It might survive, but to be honest, I suspect it won't. Make sure it is watered, unless the rain is very heavy.


Sofia, Bulgaria

It rained quite heavily these last two months...the land was soft and moist to the touch pretty much always I watered it only when i planted it and once during a 4 day period or so without rain=)
Thanks for the advice:)

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