Story of the Day! A visit with Aunti

Glenview, IL

Hi Everyone.
Wow, I can't believe a month has already passed since my visit.
I have spent some time writing about my visit with my family and I would like to share it with you.

I considered writing to the thread, however it is very long so I thought I would create the story thread.
I hope that you will enjoy my Birthday/Valentines Story.

For those who Don't know me well, My family lives 6 hours away. This makes visitation a rarity.
That and the fact my Brother and Sister in law are raising 4 kids. SIL is taking college courses and is the night manager at the village smoke shop. My brother is the caretaker of the children, Doing tree jobs and variety of landscaping while the kids are at school.

Now, I will only ask that you hold comments until my story is complete. It's going to take me few to get the pictures loaded. I will try and post fast.
In the meantime, I sure hope you enjoy my most wonderful of gifts. A visit with younger nieces and nephew and a bond that I will cherish forever.

These Photo's you will be seeing are also my gift to my Brother for his Birthday. This was also their very first family vacation.

Ok, I shall begin, get comfy, it's long.

Glenview, IL

A visit with Aunti!
I smiled while reading a nice Facebook message from Candice, my Sister-in-law . “I got the weekend off and we’re coming to visit”!
Jack, my youngest brother and I got in touch via ringle jingle fashion. Turns out they for the first time in 10 years are bringing the Kids!! OH my gosh, heart beats a bit faster, Seriously!!? Yep and we’ll be there on Thursday or Friday.
The week was spent cleaning up so to have plenty of space for them to play, etc. My family always says don’t get too excited, as something inevitably happens and I am disappointed. (skip in place) Bouya, not this time! I got a text, they were on the way!! Expected arrival time Thursday, 11:15 P.M. I occupied myself pacing, watching the clock, adjusting this and that…Look out the window, pace some more. Owah, received a txt message saying they just got off the highway, it takes about 10 minutes to my house. Trying very hard not be too excited, minutes passed, exactly 10 minutes later I was back to the window, watching for them. Walk away, scolding myself, not everyone drives like a crazed person when they are excited. Return, this time head pressed against the window, eyes and neck straining to see if they had turned down the block. Still no headlights… rolling my eyeballs, telling myself to STOP my silliness, unlocked the door. Several minutes later, they parade in with bags and pillows and such. The youngest one first! Aunti were here! This Aunti came running, Edith Bunker style, wrapping my arms around each one exclaiming hello! hello! Now, it’s a school/work night everyone else went to bed. My nieces and nephew were ready to unwind from their 6 hour ride of are we there?
I had spaghetti for them, but they had lots to munch on, on the way. While the adults adjourned to the Sunroom. The little ones roamed the house. Little Jack is severely Autistic. The last time He and his twin sister, Jazzlyn was at our house, they were 14mo. old and the younger girls, Alberta and Josephine had never been to another state. His reaction, was a bit worrisome for everyone, as he has never been away from home longer than an overnight stay, in his own neighborhood let alone another state.
He was not in the rounds of hugs, he wasn’t ready but he did say hi and took off investigating the house with great curiosity. Candice said he was just getting his bearings…No Problems to me, Aunti’s only rule is have fun and please, please no one get hurt.

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Glenview, IL

While we were all laughing and taking pictures, Lil Jack came running into the room with his Meeko, saying Cheese, Cheese…He was comfortable and this was his way of letting us know, and he loves the flashing.
Jojo, 7 is the youngest chick in the nest, She is just too adorable for words. She was in 7th heaven when she found the basket of shells and all the girls asked for one to put in the treasure bag I gave them. I wanted to give them all but mom was not having that!
Alberta, they call her Bird bird, is 9. I found that she loves music. She asked if she could play the recorder she enjoys the piano too. She had a recital for me, playing Mary had a little lamb. Good thing I had 2 because Jazz wanted to play as well. They were excited not to have to take turns and Lil Jack joins in song.
As they all investigated the house, Lil jack discovers the basement! Ackk, I was worried, but Dad said not to he is fine he’s just seeing what’s what…ok then, deciding not to worry if they didn’t. Soon, Alberta follows suite, to her delight discovers a treasure room of games and books and all kinds of crafting/kid stuff…A room to be visited many times and games and books found the way back upstairs!
Finally, around 2 A.M. They are fast asleep, Swift as lighting, Aunti gets pictures of the sweet, sleeping kids…lil Jack, resting with his phone, reviewing the mini movies he took of what interested him.

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Glenview, IL

Friday morning held it’s daily routine with both families. Uncle and Jacob got up and about while everyone slept. They would see everyone when they return. Sabrina on the other hand, had a late work start. She awoke that morning to excited children. They found her room with a cabinet of Disney Movies and were in discussion about the movies. They didn’t watch them because they are in VHS format. Breenie, sends them out so she can get on with the day. Goes to work.
The kids and adults were excited as they had plans to go into the city to visit Candice’s niece and nephew. They also wanted to go to the Field Museum, downtown Chicago. They each folded their blankets under the careful watch of Mom, everyone piling the bundles in the corner out of the way in the Sunroom. They had camped out in the great room each choosing a comfy chair in which to crash.
While, showers were taken they each found something fun to do while waiting. Lil Jack occupied time by taking videos and pictures as well as the youngest. Jazz and Alberta found a game in which they engaged. The house was full of laughter and chatter and of course the occasional argument. At last they left for their day excursion and the house was once again quiet. I took the time to recharge the camera batteries they had exhausted with the some 400 photos that were taken in the first night. This was quite the time filler, I smiled at the photo’s I took and the photo’s the kids took. They are pretty good photographers. I kept a few especially of the birds. And I put all the extras in a different folder. I played with my birds and enjoyed an afternoon taking a few cute shots of Pegasus playing in the clothes bucket and the little ones were freed of their cages to fly about.

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Glenview, IL

The house began filling up again around 2 as Jake and Emily got home and were just a bit disappointed that they were not here. But they had plans to go somewhere and would see them later. Jayson, Breenie’s boyfriend then came home. He was in their room when the mini tribe came home. Hearing the television they went to investigate and met Jayson. He was really good with them. Allowed them to feed the fish. Mistake 1. Little Jack found it quite entertaining as he watched the food float to the bottom. And he kept those fish well fed. Breenie was not happy, but she hid the food and that was the end of that. He also took such a great liking to her Disney collection, taking a few out at a time, bringing them into the great room. He studied them, took photos and more. He laid them in rows and he stacked them. When he was done he went back to the room and gathered a few more. A total of about 30 movies. While he was occupied the girls played with the birds, played the piano and the recorders. They found the medical chair to be very exciting and took turns, pushing the up and down buttons. I only intervened when Jojo’s arm was caught in the foot rest and the eldest kept pushing buttons and that was the end of that. It would be the only scolding needed for the remainder of the weekend.
They had brought a huge pizza home and so everyone nibbled on the fly. Jake and Emily had come home as well, They got a great greeting as the kids raced to say hello. Pretty soon Uncle came home and all the excitement seeing him renewed. We adults once again adjourned to the sunroom. Jack built a fire and we visited there. Lil Jack since then discovered the banister wall and my calm instantly frazzled with fear. He climbed to sit on the rail and was elated to toss Meeko over and watch him fall to the basement below. Once again Dad said not to worry, He, (lil Jack) was well aware of what he was doing. Lil Jack walked down the stairs to retrieve Meeko and resume basement exploration, then he came up and repeat his game. I ignored my fear, but kept a vigilant eye on his actions. Seeing I wasn’t about stopping him he soon moved on to the play lightening with the lights. He flashed them on and off mimicking thunder sounds. Anyone would think we had an actual storm in the house, minus the rain…

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Glenview, IL

The girls kept us entertained with music, shells and games.
Again Alberta, asked to play the recorder and so I asked if she would like to play the clarinet.
Oh she was so excited we had such a cool instrument, she and Jazz played a duet, and I heard Mary had a Little Lamb again, as the evening wore on books and games were brought to the main level and Jojo read a story to Uncle. I watched and listened and said that tomorrow, I would read a bedtime story, one of my favorite stories. Pretty soon Breenie came dashing in to say hello, she had been at work. Little Jack came running with his Meeko to share with her and then he was off.

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Glenview, IL

Alberta found Jenga and we partook in my favorite game. I gave them fair warning, Aunti is the Jenga Queen and they rolled in laughter trying to make me spill. True to my word, I was not the one to topple. My brother laughing in the background. After that they had their own building of towers. Soon it was bedtime as Saturday was another visit into the City…The kids camping out in the great room on their comfy bed chairs. As usual pictures taken throughout the day and night and of course, a smiling Aunti photographed the sleeping children. Steve also called the night early.

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Glenview, IL

The night becomes our play time, it’s filled with family gossip, animated stories bantering and hearty laughter that ultimately spans well into early morning.

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Glenview, IL

Saturday Morning Sabrina awoke to Lil Jack flashing her sleeping form. She was not too happy since it was 4:00 A.M., she wondered how the heck he figured out how to unlock her door. So she did as anyone else and chased him from the room. Deciding she better check up on him got up to investigate. She found him standing over sleeping Aunti ready to flash away. Oh no you don’t she said and pushed the flash closed. This time she walked him back to where he was supposed to be sleeping.
Later in the morning, every one getting ready for the day. Clean up, breakfast etc. My brother made me an egg for breakfast while waiting for everyone to get ready. This day they would attempt going into the City again. My brother is not used to city driving and his nerves were shot. But they found the way around and came back fairly early. Candice busied herself taking things for the day to the car. Lil Jack must have been thinking they were going home. He was at the table saying, home, home, nobody paying much attention…So Candice comes back from their car with a pile of movies,! We laughed as he was getting them packed to take home. While they were gone, again I went through the photo’s and cleared the disk. I enjoyed the quiet time and played with the birds, and worked on laundry.
This being the last day of their vacation, We spent the evening playing games, and again a fire was enjoyed…The kids played in just about every room of my house. The kitchen and living room were used as the track field. Jake made finger chicken for dinner. During which time, lil Jack came to cause some mischief thus starting the great wrestling match between the Cuz’. I went to grab my camera and they had already stopped. I exclaimed how disappointed I was at not being able to catch that…My wrestler enticed another mini match in the great room. I captured 2 pictures. The second all the while laughing as Lil Jack was laughing and taping the whole thing!

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Glenview, IL

Pretty soon Alberta, Bird bird began playing in the same bucket Pegasus enjoyed the day before. Grabbed my camera with great speed began shooting! At that came up with a mini series I call Bucket Birds. Soon, Jacob and Emily came out with Pegasus. Jazz was happy to just look at him while the younger girls enjoyed a few minutes of holding him. Pretty soon they decided to team up because he got to heavy…They played with the little birds too, Lil jack was having great fun trying to mimic them, and he decided he was going to win Petrie over. He kept putting his finger close to the cage. Petrie being the ever fradiebird was bobbing and snapping and Lil Jack was being warned. Well, this young man was intent on getting that bird, Uncle was standing there trying to talk Petrie into being nice, Lil Jack grabbed Uncle’s finger aiming it to the cage for Petri. We all roared with laughter at his resolve. When that didn’t work, he ran for Meeko and began his banister play again, I put on my blinders, until a photo was knocked off the gallery wall. Aunti's hands on the hips, that was the end of the banister game!

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Glenview, IL

Birds in a Bucket.

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Glenview, IL

Pretty soon my adult kids grew tired and went off to their rooms. The kids were also beginning to tire and Lil Jack ran off to another room. This was the moment I have waited 11 years to fulfill. We all got snuggled in our favorite blankies and a very happy Aunti read them a bedtime story for the first time ever. My favorite children’s story Charlie the Caterpillar, even Lil Jack came to listen.

This message was edited Mar 14, 2015 7:03 PM

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Glenview, IL

Once the story was read, the kids fell sound asleep, and for the last time in a long time, I snapped away. These will be the shots of sleeping children I keep, even lil Jack was out for the entire night.
The next morning was a busy day because it was the day they had to leave. Candice had to be at work at 4 in the afternoon. They wanted to be on the road by 8 A.M.

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Glenview, IL

While We stood exchanging last minute words, The most incredible thing happened so quickly only my memory will be forever engrained with the picture. My nephew, ran up to me, threw his arms around my neck, smiled and said Bye. He was gone just as quick…I still smile through tears every time I think of getting my first ever Armwrap from Little Jack. We all embraced and I now have such a beautiful story to tell of my Birthday/Valentines day Weekend.

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Glenview, IL

The End!

I'll give you all time to read.

We are headed out to dinner and a Pub!

Happy Dreams and Armwraps!

Thanks for reading.

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(Barb) Manchester, NH(Zone 5a)

How absolutely wonderful for you Judy!!! I was totally entranced with your story. It sure sounds like it was the birthday of many pleasures for you.... Thanks for sharing it with us.....
Love you girl,

Glenview, IL

Barbara! Thank you.
LOL, you know I had a really hard time not to tell, because I was writing.
I'm so glad you enjoyed my story., makes me smile.

P.S. Armwraps and I Love you too.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Just found the thread Judy, you know I love to read your writings, I always feel like I'm enjoying the event with just make it that much more real

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

AWE! Judy, I love your story! Thanks for sharing with us!

Glenview, IL

Hi Betty and Linda Kay!!

I am just smiling, Thank you for reading.

Betty, lol I thought about you the entire time I was writing. I am so happy to know you felt as tho you were here.

I got to laugh, the hardest part was deciding what pictures! The kids alone took over 600! I kept about 50. LOL.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Jewell it's almost a decade I've been supporting your writing..your meant to write..been awhile since you've had the urge, glad you got yourmojoback!

Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

Bravo Aunti...I hear the same joy here as when we last spoke. Smile on Jujube. HUGS

Maryville, TN(Zone 7a)

What a wonderful time for you and your beautiful family. Sounds like everyone had a memorable week-end. You had so much there for the kids to enjoy and were so relaxed about them doing so. I'm sure they will long remember how much fun it was and will be clammering to come back.
Even though I do get to see mine a bit more, I can appreciate how much the week-end meant to you. If I don't get back closer to my family soon I'll just go stark staring nuts. I'm too old to be this lonely.

Glenview, IL

Armwraps to you Karen!! It touches my heart, I hope that you will get to see your family.
It's kind of funny, I kept thinking of Mumma and how she would be so delighted. When we go to their house, visiting is pretty much a run through.

Got to laugh, yep they will be back for sure. They never made it to the Museum. And with raised eye brows I do hope it's soon!

Yay Moonbeam! LOL you got the lengthy version...yep, you know me, can't wait to tell a story.
I blabbed about reading the story to Sistah Jaye because, I read that story to her over the phone. Even back then, I said I was going to read That story to the kids, it was just a remarkable feeling to do so, yep still got ear to ear grin.

Linda kay got a short version too. LOL, Thanks to you Linda kay, I actually finished the story!
LOL, We got a late start, just because i kept saying I'm almost finished, let me just make this few minutes.
Tahda. Thanks for all the encouragement.

Betty, Betty, Thank you for always giving your loving know in my mad cleaning, I found my hand scripted original to My Waldo's Garden story, Owah, some of the original pictures too!!

(Pegi) Norwalk, CA(Zone 10b)

I loved your story too. Great way to spend some of my Sunday afternoon. I'm sorry I missed your writings through the years, I know they were wonderful too.

Maryville, TN(Zone 7a)

Judy what strikes me the most about your story is how warm and welcoming your home is. All those children were able to play and explore without a constant chorus of "don'ts".

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Now if we can just get you to finish your Italy story!!! :)

Victoria Harbour, ON

Don't forget the 'ashes' lol

Glenview, IL

Pegi, you come right here into my open arms. This just makes me smile, that you enjoyed My Story of the Day! You sweetheart, Darwin was your top priority, wink, you have read my writings in the form of prayers.

Not to worry, writing feels good again!

Thank you Karen, I am Proud to admit, the Children were very well behaved.
That and I have dreamed of them visiting for years...In my great clean up, I left silly little items laying around. Really, I just wanted them to free to be themselves, again Mumma came to mind. She always said, let them be and they surprise you in more ways then1.

OH Gosh tears again...How right she was.

...hahaha, that first night, when we all got a bit rowdy, All I did was whisper a reminder uncle and cousins were sleeping. We got quiet until the next bout, then it was time to get to the sunroom, far away from the bedrooms.

Maryville, TN(Zone 7a)

Our place up north has a huge room upstairs just full of beds. All the grands slept up there with hubby & I. First night was always 3 A. M. until everyone was finally asleep because they were all so excited to be together. One spring,when we were all here for Easter, it got unusually warm so the lake was thawed early but just barely. Air temp was nearly 80 so immediately kids all started begging to go swimming. Rather than spend all our time arguing we simply told them sure. They all tore up to get into suits, grabbed towels and ran full tilt down to the water. We watched from the deck as they ran in, started screaming, and ran back out and up the hill as fast as possible. Not another word all week-end about swimming.

N.C. Mts., NC(Zone 6b)

Judy, I loved your story. I'm telling myself to be more like you the next time I get a house full.
Thanks for putting this on here.

Glenview, IL

Roflol Linda Kay! Did you hear me bust out laughing.
I will,I will. I love ya for being relentless, wink, I'll be sure to look for it later, really I will, lol.

Karen! that is such a great story, I love it!

Glenview, IL

Awe Thank You Liz.
Than you for coming to read my story...Yeppers just enjoy your houseful!!

Oh when is your company coming?

N.C. Mts., NC(Zone 6b)

They usually come during the summer months. One GD that has 5 children sometimes comes at Easter too. Have 11 great G grand children.

I'm coming up to Glenview IL to get you the next time they all come in at the same time. LOL

Victoria Harbour, ON

Now that's a plan Liz! 😜

No great grandchildren to play with but did have fun with grands, from woodworking, to painting, to jewelery much fun being a kid who kids are around.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Give them time Betty, you will have Great Grands soon!

Victoria Harbour, ON

not too soon I hope lol

(Pegi) Norwalk, CA(Zone 10b)

Oh, a story about Italy? When asked where would I go first if I could travel and Rome, Italy would top my list. I'd like to visit Ireland too, but all of that would have to be from my arm chair. Never did find that well to do man who would love to travel. LOL

Glenview, IL

Hi Pegi,

All right, I took the plunge this morning to look for the thread from our
Italy Trip…Entitled: I Got You Babe

Smiling here Linda Kay! Now I’ve located the threads and I actually took time to re-read.
Now I am on a search for the notebook I had with our souvenirs…
So, I hope that I can remember enough without the note book…It’s just a bummer because I had
Very specific information, peoples names , jotted notes of history and such information.
Ok, now to go through the discs of photo’s and see if I can pick up where I left you all in Volterra!

I hope that you will enjoy traveling from your chair!

It's going take some time to refresh my memory, lol it is 5 years later and we are preparing for our 30th Wedding Anniversary trip, so smiling another cruise.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

A cruise sounds so nice! I have never been on a cruise. You got room in your suitcase for one more??? :)

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