Josephine, Arlington, TX(Zone 8a)

I must say that I have been hating the cold and the bad driving conditions, but the snow was beautiful this morning in the yard, so I thought I would share. The sun is beautiful too

Thumbnail by frostweed Thumbnail by frostweed Thumbnail by frostweed Thumbnail by frostweed Thumbnail by frostweed
Josephine, Arlington, TX(Zone 8a)

A few more pictures. Show us yours.

Thumbnail by frostweed Thumbnail by frostweed Thumbnail by frostweed Thumbnail by frostweed
Rancho Santa Rita, TX(Zone 8a)

We got about 3 1/2 inches, not counting the 2 inches of solid ice underneath !

Will upload fotos later.

(Carol) Euless, TX(Zone 8a)

Your snowy garden pics are beautiful, Josephine! Thanks for sharing!

Here are a few of mine. The snow was so lovely, especially when the sun came out and made it all sparkle!

Thumbnail by covenantgarden Thumbnail by covenantgarden Thumbnail by covenantgarden Thumbnail by covenantgarden Thumbnail by covenantgarden
Josephine, Arlington, TX(Zone 8a)

Yours are beautiful too Carol, thank you for letting us seeing them.

Rowlett, TX(Zone 8a)

Your pictures are a delight, Josephine. The snow was beautiful that day, and thank goodness it all melted away fairly quickly. :-)


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