cactus seedlings

Lakeview, OH

I have several cactus seedlings coming up, how tall do I let them get before taking the plastic off of them?

Thumbnail by emptyeyes
Rancho Santa Rita, TX(Zone 8a)

What type of plant are they ?

When did you plant the seeds ?

Baja California, Mexico(Zone 11)

Wait until they have made a few spines, maybe when they are about half an inch tall. There's no rush on this, especially when starting with small seeds.

Lakeview, OH

All I read on the pkg is that they are mixed colors, it does not say what kind they are, I planted them Feb.6th. Thanks for the advice.

Lakeview, OH

These are my cactus seedlings now, how tall will they get before they have spines? Should I take the lid off now or wait some more?

Thumbnail by emptyeyes
Baja California, Mexico(Zone 11)

Wait. As soon as you take the lid off you will have to pay more attention to the moisture in the soil, misting and so forth. At this point find a bright location for your seedlings and enjoy the show.

Lakeview, OH

would it be alright to put it in the picture window when the sun is shining through?

Baja California, Mexico(Zone 11)


Lakeview, OH

I can now report that all 6 of the cactus seedlings are coming up! 4 of them came up rather quickly but 2 of them have just now shown up, trust me to pick something that grows really slow! Where do the spines appear? I have something in the middle of some of the seedlings that look like little hairs, is that them?

Baja California, Mexico(Zone 11)

It's a process that takes many weeks. You have to be patient. There is no doubt about whether they are spines once they start to accumulate on the plants... the baby spines can definitely look like hairs. They are far more friendly to the touch than their adult counterparts. :)

Lakeview, OH

Thank you Baja.

Lakeview, OH

Here is what my cactus seedlings look like now, how much longer before I can leave the dome off? As you can see, there are little hairs growing in the middle of the one and the ones that are lying down also have little hairs growing on them too.

Thumbnail by emptyeyes
Baja California, Mexico(Zone 11)

Wait. When the body of the plant is a recognizable cactus, with a succulent body and a few spines, you're getting there. Here is a picture of some cactus seedlings that I just lifted the lid on today.

Thumbnail by Baja_Costero
Contra Costa County, CA(Zone 9b)

You might prop the lid open just a little bit with a toothpick lying on its side. Just enough to encourage a little air movement. Then, in a few weeks, prop the lid up a bit more. Then remove it.

Lakeview, OH

Here are my seedlings now, 3 did not make it but 3 of them did, do I transplant them now or just keep them in there. There were 6 to start out with and these three survived, I can transplant them into a slightly larger pot, what do you guys think?

Thumbnail by emptyeyes
Contra Costa County, CA(Zone 9b)

They are fine in that size pot for quite a while.
Keep on increasing their exposure to light and air movement.

Lakeview, OH

thank you Diana_K, I really appreciate all the good advice you give me.

Lakeview, OH

different situation now, my hubby went to Wal-Marts and got me one of those very small cacti, they are in a very small pot and if I lift it up and look I can see the roots. I was wondering if I should repot it, the pots I have are somewhat larger than the one that it is in, but I can't see the soil that it is in. The cacti are over the edge and forget the part of sticking my finger in the soil, I already got pricked when I took the fake flower off that was glued on to the top. Those little spines hurt! I have sand and potting soil, could I mix those two together? I will show you a picture and maybe you can tell me exactly what kind of cactus this is, and if I can repot it.

Thumbnail by emptyeyes

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