Raccoon destroying my tulips

Toronto, Canada

I had few tulips plants inside my home which were admired by everyone. So I decided to move them outdoors so that everyone can see them and I also had plans to expand the flowerbed and increase the number of plants. But 2 days after I moved them outside I saw that all my tulips are pulled put and chewed up. I know it was the raccoon as many people here have already complained about them. But I never thought that they will destroy my tulips. What should I do now? I have a fear that now that they have started coming they will frequently visit the place. Will a Have-a-Heart trap do or should I call a raccoon removal service?

Contra Costa County, CA(Zone 9b)

The first thing is to look around and see what else they might like.
First on their list is protein.

They will dig up lawns and small plants to get the grubs.
They will dive into Koi ponds, though they prefer fishing from the banks, to catch Koi, Goldfish and other fish and other pond life. They will eat crayfish, frogs and other things.
They will harass or kill dogs and cats to get their food. (Raccoons can be VERY aggressive, and carry rabies. You DO NOT want your pets near them).

Next on their list is almost anything else edible. Nuts, fruits and quite a lot of things.

If you know there is nothing they want around your house they may come back a couple of times to see if you have set out something else, but they won't keep coming back if they never find anything.

If you see them more than just a couple more times, then you could look into trapping them. (yourself or a professional).

Dust some flour or gypsum or almost any other white powder around where you think they are. That will show their footprints. Very distinctive.

The other concern is to make sure any access points to your house are securely closed. Vents should have sturdy mesh that is not bent or loose, trap doors should close securely, no holes in the walls. Raccoons can enter the basement or attic and may live there.

I see their footprints on the windshield of my truck.

Toronto, Canada

Thanks for the tips Diana_K, I will definitely try them out and hope that it works.

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