Sub-tropical Raspberry?

Arua, Uganda(Zone 11)

I went on a hike into the Imatong Mountains of Southern Sudan last week (a lot of fun). Around an abandoned tea plantation we found these fruit. I did find one ripe one which I popped into my mouth before thinking of photographing it. It was quite sweet. But maybe better in the rain season.

Any idea what kind of Raspberry this is and it it responds well to cultivation? As I live down in Arua (1200m above sea level) I am not sure how well it would grow. I found it at about 1800-2000 feet above sea level.

The local guide said that it had been introduced by the owners of the tea plantation (that would be in the 1980s). The whole plantation is now abandoned and overgrown.

Thumbnail by Mvule
Silver Spring, MD

Could it be Rubus niveus?

That species grows in tropical Asia, and could have been introduced.

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