Brumfelsia dwarf variety/ Yesterday, Today and TomorrowPlant

perth, Australia

My dwarf variety of Brunfelsia, the Yesterday Today and Tomorrow plant were planted a year ago in December 2013. The area in which they are situated is comprised of two separate raised beds. Each has good drainage. At the time, compost with some general purpose fertiliser was added to improve the sandy soil. I was most disappointed when by late spring they had only produced one or two blooms. Into summer they still hadn't flowered so I sprinkled potash around each plant but to no avail. Latterly I have also been watering seaweed fertiliser around the root areas at regular intervals. Our garden is very small and the bushes are situated in different positions 4 of which are along a fence and south facing. The others (9), are arranged in a square shape around a dwarf magnolia and therefore exposed to the sun at different times during the course of the day. Why are they not flowering? They are also prone to whitefly infestation and although I have been spraying them regularly with pyrethrum as per manufacturer's instructions, these bugs keep coming back after a couple of days. Could they be partly the cause for the poor flowering or is there something else I should consider? I was also wondering whether the plants are too close together. I asked at the nursery this same question but was assured they were not.

This message was edited Jan 24, 2015 8:14 AM

Thumbnail by giardinaggio9 Thumbnail by giardinaggio9
Brisbane, Australia(Zone 10b)

I also have the dwarf form although it is now over two meters tall (planted around 4 - 5 years ago). I don't get very good flowering on mine either but I think this is because they flower best if they get a lot of sun and mine is in a semi-shaded area of garden. This certainly appears to be the case going by my friends plant which is in full sun and is fairly neglected and yet is often covered in flowers. I don't know how much help this has been to you but this has been my own experience with Brunfelsia. You may also be overfeeding them. Cheers, Diane

perth, Australia

Thanks for your input. Don't think sun is the problem though as all the shrubs receive full sun for most of the day. Perhaps like you suggested I may be guilty of overfeeding. Will try giving them less tlc.

Brisbane, Australia(Zone 10b)

Good luck, I'm sure you will be having flowers once the plants get a little older. Cheers, Diane

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