2015 Year List

Whiteside County, IL(Zone 5a)

49 - myrtle warbler
50 - brown thrasher

South Hamilton, MA

36 Black thoated blue warbler evidently they migrate through here, but nest further north

South Hamilton, MA

37 rose breasted grosbeak Under our tube feeder. It must have been hungry (male).

Pueblo, CO(Zone 5b)

April Birds here in the Arkansas Valley:
40 Scaled Quail - year-round resident, numbers seem to be up this year
41 Mourning Dove
42 Red-winged Blackbird
43 Brewer's Blackbird
44 Common Grackle
45 Great-tailed Grackle

South Hamilton, MA

38 house sparrow. I hate to see them but they were flying around the local grocery store. Not on our property I am grateful to say.

(Zone 5a)

Whoa, iris, all that time before seeing a HOSP?! I was thrilled to not see one until the 2nd of January, but they are on our property.

We added some good birds to our list yesterday, but looking back, we are quite a bit behind from last year at this time.
117.Rose-breasted Grosbeak, 9 May
118. Indigo Bunting
119. Tennessee Warbler
120. Gray Catbird
121. Western Kingbird, Lifer
122. Warbling Vireo
123. American Redstart
124, Chimney Swift
125. Great-crested Flycatcher
126. Northern Parula
127. Nashville Warbler
128. Eastern Kingbird
129. Black and White Warbler
130, Orchard Oriole
131. Golden-winged Warbler, lifer
132. Willet, lifer
133. Forster's Tern
134. Solitary Sandpiper
135. Black Tern

South Hamilton, MA

you are far ahead of us. We will be going to the west coast later this year so I hope to see new things. We keep getting called at by an annoyed cardinal so must be nesting here. We have also seen the female r b grosbeak so I hope they are nesting near as well. We are quite wooded.

Whiteside County, IL(Zone 5a)

Picked up a few new ones at Mom's for Mother's Day. There were many other birds to be seen there, judging by all the calls, but the day was so overcast and I did not have a camera. So, another time.

51 - Eastern Bluebird
52 - Baltimore Oriole
53 - Ruby-throat Hummingbird
54 - Barn Swallow
55 - Tufted Titmouse (probably had this before while at her house, but see it's not listed)

OH and at home…
56 - Scarlet Tanager

This message was edited May 11, 2015 7:07 AM

South Hamilton, MA

39 grackle Lovely about the tanager. they hang out in out woods & I have only seen one once when it came closer to the house. Grackle must have been hunger, it was hanging out on our tube feeder after visiting the suet cake.

(Zone 5a)

Congrats for the Scarlet Tanager, Mrs. Ed!

136. Sharp-shinned Hawk
137. Wilson's Phalarope
138. Bank Swallow
139. Savannah Sparrow
140. Hudsonian Godwit

Whiteside County, IL(Zone 5a)

thanks on the Tanager. I had one here at the pond in 2010. I was happy to spy this one in the tree right as I was getting ready to head inside.

57 - Clay-colored sparrow

(Zone 5a)

141. Ruby-throated Hummingbird.

I guess it took me complaining on the hummingbird thread that we haven't had any yet.

Those Clay-coloreds are so cute. I wish they'd stay longer.

(Zone 5a)

142. Dunlin

And probably several life and year sandpipers, but they were beyond our scope's range. :)

(Zone 5a)

143. Sedge Wren

An unexpected surprise. We usually do not hear these fellows until they are moving their way back south. These are my favorite kinds of birds, ones I do not have to chase. :)

This message was edited May 22, 2015 5:56 PM

Pueblo, CO(Zone 5b)

Finally getting around to listing May birds:
46 Wood duck
47 Double-crested Cormorant
48 Turkey Vulture
49 Osprey
50 Swainson's Hawk
51 American Kestrel
52 American Coot
53 Killdeer
54 Great Horned Owl
55 Black-chinned Hummingbird
56 Broad-tailed Hummingbird
57 Western Kingbird
58 Eastern Kingbird
59 Cliff Swallow
60 Barn Swallow
61 Rock Wren
62 Mountain Bluebird
63 Yellow Warbler
64 WesternTanager
65 Spotted Towhee
66 Lark Sparrow
67 Western Meadowlark
68 Bullock's Oriole
69 Lesser Goldfinch
70 Lark Bunting

(Zone 5a)

Glad you bumped this, pollengarden. I totally forgot to update my list, even the one on my computer.

144. Cedar Waxwing 5 June
145. Sandhill Crane, 13 June for the rest of them
146. Pileated Woodpecker- It has been a long time since we saw one this late in the year.
147. Prothonotary Warbler
148. Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
149. Eastern Wood-pewee
150. Henslow's Sparrow
151. Willow Flycatcher

(Zone 5a)

Just some I forgot from the 13th. This is what happens when I try to use my remembers.

152. Bell's Vireo
153. Yellow-billed Cuckoo
154, Green Heron

South Hamilton, MA

49 Steller Jay
41 Bewick Wren
42 Oregon Junco
43 Black Billed Magpie
44 Vesper Sparrow
45 red head Duck
46 Wood Duck
47 Marsh Hawk (Harrier) I wish that I knew the little brown & white birds which were mobbing it.
Nothing like a trip to the PNW to see different birds. ☺

South Hamilton, MA

48 Eastern Kingbird
49 Ruby throat hummingbird (female)

(Zone 5a)

It is possible the birds mobbing the Harrier were Eastern Kingbirds, maybe lighting made them look brown. ?? They are very aggressive in protecting their territory, so much so, I heard they rarely ever get Cowbird eggs.

South Hamilton, MA

It was in Oregon, so don't think those. In the light they seemed to be light brown with white markings.

(Zone 5a)

Ah, I didn't connect some of the birds as being west, but looking back, I can see it. I wouldn't know what the little birds would be.

South Hamilton, MA

Me neither, sigh.

IP22 1HW, United Kingdom

Well the year slips on and I have a few more additions to the list.
120 Commmon Swift
121 Turtle Dove
122 Reed Warbler
123 Willow Warbler
124 Great Northern Diver
125 Red Throated Diver
126 Gannet
127 Hobby
128 Sandwich Tern
129 Manx Shearwater
130 Kittiwake
131 Cuckoo
132 Golden Pheasant
133 Guillemot
134 Razorbill
135 Puffin
136 Great Skua
137 Spotted Flycatcher

All the seabirds wee picked up on a ferry crossing between Penzance in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly.

South Hamilton, MA

Isn't travel great?

(Zone 5a)

It's been too long since any year birds.

155. Common Gallinule, 10 July
156. Eurasian Tree Sparrow

South Hamilton, MA

silly birds are flying too quickly between trees to ID.

(Zone 5a)

157. Common Nighthawk

Pueblo, CO(Zone 5b)

June & July birds:
71 Pied-billed Grebe
72 American White Pelican
73 Western Wood Peewee
74 Cordilleran Flycatcher
75 Western Scrub Jay
76 House Wren

(Zone 5a)

158. Least Sandpiper, 27 July
159. Semipalmated Sandpiper
160. Stilt Sandpiper

South Hamilton, MA

I see that you have been near water. ☺

(Zone 5a)

Yes, we were. We heard of some sheet water from recent heavy rains. The farmers hate it, but it's great for shorebirds and for birders. There were other shorebirds, but we already saw them earlier in the year. And strangely one lone baby Killdeer. There had to be more but we couldn't find them.

Thumbnail by Chillybean
South Hamilton, MA

I hope that it is all right.

chongqing, China

Thanks for sharing

(Zone 5a)

161. Eastern Towhee

South Hamilton, MA

I do wish those would start showing up here, although a friend in the next town saw one in her garden. Cross your fingers for more.

South Hamilton, MA

50. chipping sparrow

chongqing, China


Pueblo, CO(Zone 5b)

August Birds
77 Cinnamon Teal
78 Northern Pintail
79 Western Grebe
80 Clark's Grebe
81 White-faced Ibis
82 Golden Eagle
83 Spotted Sandpiper
84 Solitary Sandpiper
85 Calliope Hummingbird
86 Belted Kingfisher
87 Lewis's Woodpecker
88 Red-naped Sapsucker
89 Say's Pheobe
90 Cassin's Kingbird
91 Loggerhead Shrike
92 Steller's Jay
93 Common Raven
94 Violet-green Swallow
95 Red-breasted Nuthatch
96 White-breasted Nuthatch
97 Northern Mockingbird
98 Sage Thrasher
99 Cedar Waxwing
100 Vesper Sparrow
101 Brown-headed Cowbird

South Hamilton, MA


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