Best/Worse/What did I learn today?chat with friends old/new

Victoria Harbour, ON

I've got the fireplace on, chairs are set for all of you, coffee perking and cinnamon rolls out for the taking..
We'll put Barb on the lazy boy chair so she can make herself comfy

All praying and waiting for news on David

Seeing you are a nurse "M" we'll be pleased you are in operating room making sure all is going well
Please come out from time to time with updates

We moved from here

Maryville, TN(Zone 7a)

Snugged back here in my corner. Rooms are cool they kindly brought me a heated blanket, I was shivering so. I'll wrap up in my snuggy.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Joining you all in the waiting room! Saying prayers as we wait!

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Almost wish I smoked .. kinda nerve wracking, feel so bad for Barb ..
Will most assuredly 'check in' during the morning ..
Prayers are in a steady stream east


Victoria Harbour, ON

HELP, went back into early November threads, my eyes must not be focusing..couldn't find some of the info, can you help

who received, who posted photo's re names below I don't have the info???

Santa Warren Exchange

Betty. Received from Thunder *posted photo's
LindaKay. Received from Liz *posted photo's
Thunder. Received Barb *posted photo's
Barb. Received from Debbie *posted photo's
Liz Received from Debbie *posted photo's
Susan (101). Received from Betty *posted photo's
Judy. Received from Susan (101) *****waiting on photo's*****
Debbie. Received from Lindakay *posted photo's
Katie/Susan. Received from Judy ******waiting on photo's******
Marion Received from Katie/Susan ******waiting on Photo's******

This message was edited Jan 15, 2015 10:07 AM

Victoria Harbour, ON

"M" do you have any idea on how long it normally takes to do such a procedure?

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Thunder posted photos on 11 December her gifts from Barb, I posted pictures of items I got from Liz on 13 Dec, Barb posted on 14 December her pictures of what she got from Dianne, I don't see where Judy posted her pictures yet. And I don't see any posting from Dianne that she received her items?

Victoria Harbour, ON

thanks LindaKay, knew you or Jean would put me on the straight and narrow

Barb, not today but when you are feeling up to it could you ask Norm for some info for me..believe he's familiar with NYC..if we on our Roadtrip 2015 wanted to go downtown to see Empire State Building, Statue of Liberty and 911 Memorial is there somewhere (outskirts of NY) where we might take train/bus etc so we wouldn't have to worry about driving in NYC

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

The procedure can take from 3-5 hours depending on the circumstances .. as in what they find when they get to where they're going ..

So sunny here, but flippin well windy too !!!

Think I'll change seats in the waiting room so I can see out a window ..



Hello and good morning, all!!
I go for an x-ray of my knee this morning - gotta tell ya though - my knee feels better this fall, than others - doesn't seem at all swelled, and yes I have bruising but even that isn't bad. It's just that this is on the already damaged knee that I'm being so careful. It isn't the best, but I can def put weight on it. Getting up isn't that easy, and the lower front of my knee is where it gives me grief when getting up, but I'm adjusting for it. It may be that the "evening" of damage on my knee may make me walk properly on it....... Maybe I'm putting a positive spin on it, but that's the way it seems to me.
DEFINITELY not the worst fall I've taken, nor the most swelling I've ever had.......!!!!!

As soon as I'm finished, I'll be back in the waiting room with you all!!

quick hello

Victoria Harbour, ON

Susan, you'll be back in time for your interview?
on the radio this morning they had a professional talk about interviews

. look interviewer in the eye when speaking
. smile
. posture important

I'll make more coffee and a pot of tea as we're not sure he got in on 1st surgery

Fayetteville, AR(Zone 7b)

Good morning/afternoon all! I'm in the waiting room now, finally, hoping he got in on 1st surgery. I'm glad he's so positive about it and on the road to better days ahead!

I had to take the Hybrid in for a battery upgrade this morning.

Goodness Susan, I'm going to get the bubble wrap...

Betty did they say anything about phone interviews?

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

POP :-)
Just me again ..
Was always told .. 'NO news, is, 'GOOD news', so, I'm sticking to that ..
RATS!!!!!!! Such wind gusts .. Piper , or little male Westie, won't go out unless someone goes along to slay the 'wind monsters LoL

Lorna is out doing some ploughing in the Mule, and, I am going to take a break from the waiting room and go and tidy the house a tad .. BUT .. I'll be back :-)

Attaching a pic of our loves waiting to hear news of David ........


Thumbnail by MarilynneS Thumbnail by MarilynneS
Victoria Harbour, ON

Ahhhh, better get doggie biscuits out, forgot the furries are here as well

Maryville, TN(Zone 7a)

Westies are so darn cute.

Victoria Harbour, ON

That they are

Have chicken Alfredo girls for lunch

Wonder if barb headed to the hospital, if so long day for her


back from x-rays - waiting in the waiting room to hear news - I'll get biscuits for the westies....... oh wait, no, not walking all that well yet. I'll sit with them though!

Norma took me for my x-ray, and it was way back in the mall from the parking lot....... blech
had to wait 1/2 hour, then the tech put me through my paces lol I'm tough though.
he asked for x-ray of my ankle, but I can move it in all directions. Just a bit bruised though.
I'm feeling woozy, so will be laying down for a nap, after I have some lunch. Got Jambalaya the other day, for 2 lunches, from the grocers. I used to make a big pot of it, but Bob doesn't like it that much (overdid it a bit, maybe? lol) so now I don't make it anymore. I'll just heat it up for me.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Long day for you as well Susan, lets hope no breaks, just bruising although bruising can be more brutal.

Maybe David didn't make the first op

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

DANG ME!! How a quiet day can change with ONE phone call!!

Lorna and Gord were down at the front of the property getting some wood, Gord had felled a tree a few weeks back ..
So .. the phone rings, it's Lorna, (I am stringent about her having a cell with her at all times, IN CASE), well, this was an IN CASE .. seems the spark plug in the Mule was fouled .. and they needed ME to walk down with the spark plug thingy .. so .. into the garage I went .. you have to realize I know pretty much ZILTCH about mechanics, had to call them and ask what it looked like .. Gord says, like a broken silver chicken leg !! I found it .. then the TREK to the front commenced, about a quarter of a mile, thank heavens for FAIR winds and sun ..
They changed the plug and Lorna drove me back to the house ..
While I was standing there waiting for them to change the part, I looked up at a beautiful blue sky, and I told David to hang in there .. Barb and Norm too ..

Back inside, had 2 calls while out .. gotta return them ..


Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

I am with M. No news is good news. I keep thinking David is strong, in a great frame of mind and is surrounded by caring thoughts and prayers, not to mention all the positive energy we can muster. He could have had the surgery, but may still be in recovery.

Hope the xrays show no real damage, Susan.

Victoria Harbour, ON

thank goodness she had her cel , "M" off to the rescue
loved when Roger would tell me to go get a tool and gave me the name, as though I'd know which one..after 2 or 3 tries and sometimes more he'd go (lol)

what a peaceful thought you had looking into the blue yonder..
Jean, you likely are right, wouldn't hear anything while in recovery room right?

Might be a sign I'm 95% better (always room for improvement) because I'm starving..had 2 cinnamon buns loaded with icing, just finished chicken alfredo, now having a fruit cup and I'm looking around for something else to eat..either better or nervous until we get the good news on David

This message was edited Jan 15, 2015 1:47 PM


Isn't this interesting? My sister told me about this being in my home-city newspaper about Gr 6 students learning this age-old art.......

Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

That is why I sent you the links, Betty. Something to help pass the time that might be of use.

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Well, David is either in SICU recovering, or, he's just started his procedure if he got the afternoon spot.
Either way, I'm thinking about everyone with him, and especially HIM ..


Victoria Harbour, ON

I've been looking at them Jean
great info on east coast travels this summer
You are right Jean and thank you, between a bit of sewing, checking links my day is passing..keep waiting for word from Barb

lot more options than I thought re travelling right into the heart of NYC

won't be there long, we travel from city to city to get a taste and one day we'll return for longer periods of time..San Antonio is one we'll surely go back to

I will check distances, am sure they are all close but who knows

Statue of Liberty
Empire State Bldg
Twin Towers Memorial

am sure there was another, must look at my list

Susan, what a great program, never you mind the young children, I'd love to participate in the same.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Must be a long day "M" waiting and worrying as I'm sure David is..
with Barb not dropping in I'm thinking one of two things
perhaps she's at the hospital or her internet provider is hooked to telephone and she'd not want to tie up the line

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

I am back from my MRI. Back to the waiting room with the rest of you. Was hoping to hear something by now?

Fayetteville, AR(Zone 7b)

I'm here waiting as well. The doc usually gives the family prognosis when the patient goes into recovery. Even if he was first, you never know if the OR was taken by an emergency patient who came in on ambulance, or worse, someone goes code blue and all the staff is gone to help them. My appendectomy in 2007 was delayed 3 hours for both reasons and my appendix had perforated and was leaking. If that's the case I'm sure he'll be talking about it after he wakes up.

M that's hilarious! My dad's a mechanic and I grew up wrenching on miscellaneous vehicles and I have never heard a spark plug described as looking like a broken chicken leg!! LOVE IT!!!!

Debbie I got notice from Unemployment that I will have to do a phone hearing, not scheduled until Jan 28th!!! AAAAAKKKKKKKK!!! Anyway lol do you know what was said in your daughter's phone call?

Fayetteville, AR(Zone 7b)

Look at the link! Thought we all might need something to eat. It's in the crock pot now.


omygoodness - that's so easy, Crissy! Now...... to find chicken tenderloin chunks?!?! never heard of them before.....

Maryville, TN(Zone 7a)

Chunked up breast pieces will work just fine.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

YUM! What time will dinner be served Crissy?

Fayetteville, AR(Zone 7b)

It's cut up chicken breast cut into about 1 inch chunks. I added an onion and pineapple chunks as well as the juice. It should be ready in about 2 - 3 hours.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Here I thought I'd have to put on supper but Crissy has it all looked after

just after 5pm Barb's time

starting to get ansy

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Whoa, easy peasy, you'd serve it over rice I guess
Gave Gord a big honkin crock pot for Christmas, maybe this is a good starter recipe!

Can't imagine the toll this stress is taking on poor Barb, if we're all this one edge, imagine her.

Best start putting some salads together.



This message was edited Jan 15, 2015 4:12 PM

Fayetteville, AR(Zone 7b)

It's 4:20 Eastern time, 3:20 Central time, 2:20 Mountain time, and 1:20 Pacific time. LOL I have no idea why I posted all of that! I am trying to hit dinner at everyone's dinner time!

I got a phone interview on Monday for JB Hunt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Maryville, TN(Zone 7a)

Barb may not have a way to contact us until she is back home.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Good luck on your interview Crissy. What is JB Hunt?

Logging off for bit to get dinner done, I will check in later.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Job hunt, is it a transport company Crissy..good vibes coming your way!

I do have faith in the Lord but the weaker side of me is starting to fret..

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