Vita di Muro?

Memphis, TN

Has anyone heard of this vine, if so please tell me something about it. ANYTHING Thank you

High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

no! i have not heard of it, but basing on research i have these conclusion to draw... vita di muro, roughly translated in English, would be life on the wall or wall of life. by plant association, there would be several option. i will list them accdg to what i think them to be: grape vine, passion flower vine, & sweet honeysuckle. see if the following url, is close enough to the conclusion i draw... various vines suggested ...

pls. give some hint as to what u know or heard about this vine... ma vie

Memphis, TN

I do not know alot I am in a trade for some of these seeds, the person sending it got them from a lady in Italy.(dont know if they came from somewhere else)I have been asking around and someone said they we offered some from Brazil and they had came up with--Parthenocissus tricuspidata(boston ivy) Yes your search is great and seems to be in the right direction as this is how the ivy grows. Thank you for all the help, Cara Hope this info helps

North Vancouver, BC(Zone 8a)

Holy Cow!!! that would definitely be "Life on a Wall!!" Elaine

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil(Zone 10a)

Hello, friends,
I was the one to bring Vite da Muro into the trade forum.
When I was visiting Rome, some years ago, I fell in love with a beautiful vine that covered several houses, and turned red in winter.
I asked many people about this vine and ended up buying the seeds from a company named Blumen. At that time I was not that much interested in botanical name so I only kept the instruction package for future reference.
From the whole pack I only had one seedling and was amazed by how delicate this vine is. It is very easy to grow from fresh seeds (I think I bought an old seeds pack) and it has very delicate 3 lobed leaves, with a velvet touch. The flower is not outstanding but it is tiny and has a beautiful deep blue-purple colour.It flowers 2-3 times a year.And a small pod always comes after the flower with 8 to 10 small round seeds. When young the pod is light green and matures to a brown colour.
I donīt think it is invasive, but I am not sure because mine is a container garden.
In Rio de Janeiro, it stays green the whole year and seems perennial. In colder countries the leaves turn into beautifull colours from orange to red .
I posted an ID question in an italian forum and received the answer as being the Boston Ivy but some time later I found out it is not, thatīs why the confusion.
I always ask people I trade with that If by any chance they end up IDing this vine I would really appreciate to receive the botanical name.
I still have many trades of Vite da Muro. Anyone game????
I am very easy to please. Any easy flower will be welcome.

High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

Lucia... pls tell me if the leaves & fruit look like this one >>>

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil(Zone 10a)

No, MaVie,
I think this one is the chocolat vine, Akebia.
I have pictures of the leaves and pods of Vite da Muro, but I don't know how to add.
It will flower in a few days and I will take more pictures and will put everything in a Hiperlink.
I promise.

I'm very interested in some seeds,please

Palmyra, VA(Zone 7a)

Hi Lucia,

Have you received the mail I sent you?

High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

Lucia ... i'd like to try grow some ;o) vita di Muro. ma vie

Memphis, TN

Thank you for the info. cant wait to see a pic.- Cara

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil(Zone 10a)

Hello, friends,
Ma Vie thought me how to post a picture and the pictures of the leaves and pods of Vite da Muro are at the photo forum.
Please go there and see. No flowers yet.
Tim, you are a very nice and generous person.
Thank you for the offer. I will write to you as soon as I get an information I need.
You all left me very excited about the real ID of this vine.

Newnan, GA(Zone 8a)

is this is???

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil(Zone 10a)

No, tiG
The flower is very tinny but the leaves are very similar indeed.
I promise to post the picture as soon as it flowers.

Memphis, TN

here is the link for the picture-
Thank you for posting the picture

Newnan, GA(Zone 8a)

Lucia, the flowers on mine are about 3/4 of an inch. Can't wait to see the flowers on yours.

High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

Lucia... this is like looking for a needle in a hay stack!

purple flowered vine

check the ff. flower on this url
butterfly pea
clitoria ternatea*****
quisqualis indica

here is a site of vine FLOWERS - u need to scan and
see the flower of what u call vita di Muro [is this the
real name, or is it the one u made up???} ...

Florence, AL(Zone 7a)

MaVie, was it REALLY necessary to post links to pics of so many gorgeous, TENDER vines??? Now I want even more things that won't grow here. I have so many grow lights strung up now I bet the police think I'm growing pot! And Lucia, you're got to post a pic as soon as this flowers. I too think your foliage looks like Clitorea ternata, but mine's never been that full and lush.

High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

MsBatt ... i was trying to help find the real name of this mysterious vine. posting several url's, in the hope that one of those flowers is the one close to it, if not the real thing!

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil(Zone 10a)

Dear friends,
I want to examine each of this links carefuly. So,I will not answer now.
Meantime, the name vite da muro was not made up by me. It was written in italian in the instructions pack and means vine of a wall or vine that climbs walls.
Please wait for the pictures of this vine. I promised and I will post it.

Florence, AL(Zone 7a)

Yes, MaVie, but if you could see my livingroom right now...And like most gardeners, if I see it, I want it! Those links you posted had me drooling, and every ONE I checked out was too tender for my zone. Guess it's time for a commercial-szed greenhouse...

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil(Zone 10a)

Ma Vie
Each of the links you sent brings desire to my heart.
I couldnīt find any that resembles Vite.
This is a pretty but simple vine.
I am afraid that when I post the picture of the flower, you will all be disappointed...

High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

that is the common thread we all have >>> plant addiction! LOL. this time of the year, plants do not only invade the living room, they also have the tendency to find it's way into the bedroom! unless, we are lucky enough to have a green house, but then often times, some plants do manage to get in the house too. =) don't u think so MsBatt? WalMart has some offer on portable green house, so i heard. reasonably price too.

Lucia... if u better post the flower pic once u get one to bloom or we will never solve the mystery of this plant.

Newnan, GA(Zone 8a)

Lucia, we won't be disappointed, it's solving the mystery:)

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil(Zone 10a)

Dear friends,
I posted pictures of the flowers of vite da muro.
Please forgive the poor quality of the photos.
I will try to do a better job next time.
CoCo, I mailed your seeds yesterday.

Florence, AL(Zone 7a)

Where did you post them? Can you post a link to them?

Newnan, GA(Zone 8a)

in the photo forum.

Thank you Lucia,will be on the look-out for them.

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