Rm 301 "Sweet Interruptions" Hotel

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

New room everyone! Come on over and sit by the warm fireplace. I will have the hot chocolate done soon!

Thumbnail by taters55
Maryville, TN(Zone 7a)

Oooooh I could snug up there for a few days. Thanks Linda.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

I wish I had room for a fireplace, it would be so nice to have!

we have a fireplace. I have only used it once. Tim was always such an @#$ about using it. He was the one who wanted a traditonal fireplace.... and then we moved in, first winter i said " lets build a nice warm fire. " .... he made so many excuses of why we can't use it.. ?
Tom and i use it LOL .

need advice.
selling my husqvarna viking platinum 735 sewing machine.
I couldn't find any online to price compare , Only used 2 times.
stored in closet for 8 yrs ? maybe 9 yrs ?
so do you think $400 is a fair asking price. I believe it is about a $1,200 machine ?

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Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

That machine looks intimidating! Wish I had some place to sit one up.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Sue, that sounds like a fair price. I found a few for sale, anywhere from $500.00 _ $1200.00.

ok thanks.
I don't know really how i can sell this. Its not something i would want to ship ? due to weight. Tried on Craigs list a few times and got nothing. I m calling fabric stores and sewing machine repair shops. Hopeing one woman who owns a small quilting store is interested.
goodness i m so bored , i have been inside for days snowed in ! i do hope the kids go to school friday.... then i can maybe convince cookie if she wants to hang out for lunch somewhere.

Maryville, TN(Zone 7a)

Be sure to decide what your bottom price is and stick to it so she can't low ball you.

Ok thanks.


That sewing machine looks awesome!

Going to Choir practice for the first time in what seems to be our new church - been a long tiring day. If this wasn't our first time, and we promised we'd come, I'd give it a miss...... been a Very Long Day, and I'm tired........
I'll fill you in later, if I don't fall asleep at my keyboard.......

(Pegi) Norwalk, CA(Zone 10b)

Thanks Cindy for the information. Won't get any report from the Orthopedic doctor until end of month. Doesn't have an appointment until the 29th. He got something in the mail today, but he hasn't shared what it is yet. He can't stand straight and he aches standing too long. I keep him busy taking me to doctor appointments lately.

Tomorrow I will get the news about my heart. Saw my doctor today, but guess I will really learn more tomorrow. In the last few months I have found I get out of breath doing simple things. I get some pains in left side and don't know if that goes along with the problem or not. I have been slack in taking a baby aspirin every day and he told me it is very important that I do it now. So have to put post it notes up all over to remind me. I may have to go to senior center for exercise with others. I asked my doctor if he might consider not retiring and he just smiled and said no. I guess he did a lot of work when he lived in Hawaii, but retirement there isn't as good as it is here. I guess he has put in his years, but he is so good I hate to see him go. Don't know how to keep stress out of my life as we all know what a stressful world we live in and I can get so upset over a simple matter, but I'm working on that.

Still was really warm again today and never did see the rain they talked about I did go out in back and gathered up some of the pine needles. Now that the trees are all trimmed I shouldn't get so many needles for a while. Maybe the need to plant is starting to appeal to me.

Told the reverse mortgage guy today I'm just not ready to take that step. I get so much help from the city and state I don't want to lose any of it.

Jaye, get better soon!! We all miss you. (((((Hugs)))))


ok, here goes........
been a very busy couple of days - un-decorated the house of Christmas stuff, packed it in 8 boxes (9, if you count the Christmas tree) and today took them from the porch, across the deck, down 3 steps, to the shed............ one of the boxes was around 50lb........ uuuuuurgh heavy. and the tree is about 3 1/2 feet of box - very awkward for someone 5 feet tall...
Last night I went to my neighbour's, waiting for a call from tech support to walk me through setting up their WiFi printer - been working for 2 years, then suddenly not.. I was there from 8pm until 10pm.
Tech couldn't get it set up, said he'd come by on his own time (before work) the next day, and so I was there at 9am - he didn't phone until 10:30 - said he couldn't find the place and left his cell phone at home. Said he'd call tomorrow morning. My neighbours (Norma & Bud) were ANGRY - threatened to throw their computer out - not computer literate and this really ticks them off when it's not working. I got it most of last night, and all of this morning - angry angry angry - they finally calmed down, but they are not easy to take - they weren't angry at me or the tech, but at the inanimate computer.Neither of them are very patient people.....
Spoke to my insurance company, and they said everything would be paid by the other driver's insurance - if he's honest about the accident. I'm going for an estimate next wed. When the car's being repaired, insurance will pay for the rental.
I went to the store and got a replacement part for the toilet (flush mechanism was broken), a few groceries and then went to Fabricland - best part of my two days, except for the satisfaction of getting my house back in order.

Anger tires me out, so between Norma & Bud's anger, and the physical work I was doing (shovelling, moving boxes, moving furniture back into place yesterday), I am tired. Came close to saying I didn't feel like going to choir practice...... so tired.

Tomorrow am I'm going to my old church to pick up some craft encyclopedias I donated (no one's bought any in 2 years) and put them back into my library - I'll make a donation to cover what they could have gotten for them - $20 should cover it.

I got an email invitation to the UCW (United Church Women) group meeting on Wed, but as I'm not part of that church anymore........... Well, the ladies want me to stay in the church, but Gary (pastor) has made that impossible. Bob says I shouldn't bother with them either, but they're my friends....

Now, I'm back from choir, so I'm going to just relax....

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Goodness, you have been busy! I hope they can get her computer fixed soon for her.

Morning everyone!

Jaye, how are you feeling this morning?

Pegi, I hope you get good news today from your Dr.

(Barb) Manchester, NH(Zone 5a)

Good morning!
Sending get well wishes to all in need along with my prayers today.

Hope all are staying warm....

(Cindy) Auburn, CA(Zone 10a)

Good Morning Ladies,
Mom has a fireplace/insert and hadn't used it since I moved out because she got tired of having clean ashes out all the time. Well her heating/ac unit does not work right says it's 72 in the house and we are freezing. So I started using the fireplace/insert again, will help on PGE bill and just got a load of free wood. Don't need a huge fire to keep house toasty warm :) Another "warm" day to work outside :) will be in the low 60's until next Thursday so I will be outside as much as possible. The wet ground makes it real easy to pull up weeds

Boy this year has gotten off to a horrible start with all the terrorist, cold weather, lost airplanes etc and I have a friend who suffered a massive heart attack while out riding his motorcycle, waiting for him to wake up to see if their is any brain damage he was with out oxygen for awhile. His vitals are stable but he is still critical, moves his limbs but can't open his eyes :(

Jayegirl, hope you are feeling better......Hope you all have a great day be back tomorrow HUGS!!!!


Cindy - so sorry to hear about your motorcycling friend!! Lucky he didn't have an accident as well, when he was out riding - double jeopardy!!

I have so many UFO's to get working on.......

Jaye, Jaye, Jaye - where are you????????

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Hey Cindy, you say it is 72 and y our freezing? Come to Texas where our high for the day will be 42. Or maybe Canada! :)

Sorry to hear about your friend, will be saying prayer for him.

Fox news just announced the terrorist are dead, and the hostages they had captured are free.

(Cindy) Auburn, CA(Zone 10a)

No LK the stupid thermostat in the house says it's 73, but it's really not it is in the low 60's and yea it's a little chilly for mom. But we really should be having colder temps and rain/snow but Mother Nature wants to dry us out and turn CA back into a huge dessert, lol

Thanks for the prayers for my friend, things have been really rough for him for about the last year or so. Found out he has prostrate cancer also, his mom is dying, he lost he French Bull dog, fed him some of those jerky treats from China ( he didn't read the whole label) so he blames himself for his pup's death. He will be long time recovering and may not be able to ride ever again :(

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Oh my, so much going on in his life!

Cindy sorry to hear of your friends heart atack. sending preayers nad healing vibes.
welp my car is stuck in my driveway , hit a area to deep for it :( snow drifts suck. I didn't think it was that bad.
I m very angry at Tim. All i could think of is what kind of man leaves his ex and children in the middle of nowhere with a small car, no firewood. no way to get out of a sticky situation if one comes about ect... . I have been so distracted with so many other things in life, i just can't do it all ?
He never once asked if we needed anything, not even a snow shovel !!! or extra money to get the driveway plowed, no firewood if electric goes out. nothing. Could i have done this on my own ? yes but with my income and dealing with other issues of life, kids, school ect... uhg.
He had the nerve to say " you had a tractor and a truck " ooohhhhh Lawdy Lawdy ... you just didn't say that to me ?
spent two hrs digging it out. still stuck ! waiting on my neighbor with a truck when he gets home from work.

(Pegi) Norwalk, CA(Zone 10b)

So sorry to hear about your friend Cindy,prayers being said for him. Well, the new year isn't what we all planned, does it all have to begin the first month.

I'm not much of a happy camper myself. Saw the cardiologist today and was hoping he wouldn't agree with my primary doctor. Well, no such luck. He wants me to have a heart cath and that has to be done in Los Angeles. I hate going into Los Angeles! My son said he would take me when it has been set up. Said it was absolutely necessary and have to take nitro pills with me all the time in case of chest pain. He was so nice about it, wonder if he would hold my hand while the procedure was done. LOL Don't know how much blockage so don't know if I will need a stent. I do remember my DH going through this several years ago and he didn't need one. It is done on an out patient procedure. Watched a video they had on it and although it doesn't look so bad I'm not crazy about having it done. My sister was willing to come down and take me, she is just that kind of person, always willing to help if she can.

Sue, I hope you get your car out from under all that snow. Glad I'm not in that kind of weather. I remember one time when the snow was so bad my dad had to get towed out of the driveway so he could go to work.work. The things I remember from the old days. I hope your neighbor got you car out of that mess.


Cindy - hope this snow mess gets straightened out for you - no fun being stuck! And Tim...... well, best left unsaid! Don't want the air to turn blue lol

Karen - sorry to hear you're having to have this heart catheter put in......... However - it's years further in the future from when your DH had his heart work done, so anything done is done better nowadays.
Lovely sister you have. If you need a stent, you need a stent, and that's all there is to it!!
We'll all be holding your hand while you go through this.

I got a call for a job interview - tomorrow at 12:15, for an Administrative Assistant position, at the church Bob & I have gone to a few times :-)
Bit nervous, but I'm sure I'll do fine!

Karen sorry to hear of your heart challenges. sending you prayers.
Good luck on the job Susan.
Neighbor got my car out. he pulled it out for me. Such a pita . But its a love hate with a car. Love the fuel milage and easy parking. but hate getting stuck in snow LOL

Maryville, TN(Zone 7a)

Oh Dear Pegi, I think they got us mixed up. Anyhow I just had that procedure on Monday. Now it can even be done radially....that's at the wrist instead of the groin. I was awake and aware the whole time but the area is numbed. It doesn't take long.

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Thank you so much, my family!!!

Sue had dmailed me saying to expect a box at Holly's. it was there yesterday but I was too ill to combat the cold and make the drive.
Tonight, lying to Kelvin that I had to pick up some groceries (cupboard is bare), he gave me a 20, so I managed to sneak to Holly's after the store.
I can't believe my eyes... it was truly a cloak and dagger moment. Sue had tipped me into undoing the sequinned "SMILE" throw pillow stuffing, you should see downy feathers everywhere on Holly's carpet!!!
Her two teenagers were laughing away trying hard not breathe in the down..

So, whatever you have contributed towards this surprise, Jesus will return triple the blessings.
Needless to say, all I can do was tremble, and kept repeating Thank You GOd.
Seth, their son, asked me what did I do to deserve that much kindness. Holly's DH, who is Kelvin's third cousin, said you all are paying forward. ,,

anyway... thank you for the money.. thank you. And the Divalicous tea cup along with tea. And the SMILE pillow!!
You all truly shouldn't do that. I know money is hard to come by, and I wish I was working.
I will hang on to this, and be a Scroogianna with it!!!

When Kel gave me that 20, I can't pilfer any, as that's enough to buy ham, bananas and his drinks along with bread. Told the Lord for whatever he witheld from me, He will take away triple.

I am forever indebted to you all. You know my heart is yours.
Thank you so much and the only method of repayment I can afford are prayers.
You all are always in my prayers.

(Pegi) Norwalk, CA(Zone 10b)

I think they got us mixed up too, Karen. Now I have to wait for them to call me. I know all my sisters will be at my side. I'm just so overly anxious I guess and having to go into LA for the procedure. MY PB was high and after the 3rd time is was OK. I have a doggie who needs me so I have to be all right. She is always so unhappy when I leave the house without her.

Glad Jaye was thrilled with her "pillow". Always in my prayers.


yaaaaaaaaaay Jaye got her SMILE :-)

I m so sorry i did get you mixed up. Pegi i do aplogize. goodness how did i do that. ?
Jaye you do so much for us. WHen Jessica was killed you and all the other sistah's came to rally with me. You made me such wonderful quilts. they hang in my basement on a nice rack. To remind me that i m loved by so many .
Treat yourself to something for yourself. Even if its just a cookie or a nice piece of fruit. Or a piece of cake ? from a bakery. Small things can make big smiles.
here is Ms.Jayes gift .

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awwww that's so nice! She can be our Diva anytime at all!

(Cindy) Auburn, CA(Zone 10a)

LOL I think the two Sue/Susan have had too much wine this evening ( wink wink)

Sue is stuck in the snow and Pegi is having the heart problems But I sure wished we had some SNOW!!!!

Due to the freezing weather in other parts of the US,a lot of Bald Eagles have come to California. They have been spotted in 5 or 6 different places now. And one place is just is about 1 1/2 miles from me, so I am going to take my camera and see if I can see them. Here are two picture of them from two different areas, 1st is at Camp Far West and 2nd pic it at Folsom Lake

Thumbnail by purpbutfly Thumbnail by purpbutfly

love the eagles Cindy.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Glad to hear you got your pillow a d other gifts Jaye. The money is yours, don't let Kel know about it. You are always in our prayers.

Pegi, it is better to have the procedure done now to avoid anything problems in the future. When are you having it done?

Susan, I wish you luck on your interview.

Sue, I wish you luck getting your car out of the snow.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Cindy those eagles are beautiful.


uh, no I haven't, Cindy - but that sure is a good idea!!

Thank you, LK - little nervous, but am really glad I got called for an interview Tomorrow, rather than the first time they'd given me of Monday evening! (she phoned to see if I'd gotten the email, and to change the time/day to tomorrow - sounds like they're anxious - it's all good, right? lol)
Bob's really happy for me - we shall see though - not counting my chickens before they hatch!!

This message was edited Jan 9, 2015 8:45 PM

Maryville, TN(Zone 7a)

Cindy thanks for the eagle photos. I got to go to an eagle release from a raptor rehab center a few weeks ago. I'd always said a release was on my bucket list, then darned if I didn't have a heart attack.

Speaking of Pegi....that's another reason to go get your cath done. A heart attack kills a bit of heart muscle, damage that doesn't get undone. I think I knew in the back of my mind that the signs were there and ignored them. Don't be foolish like me. Git R Done.

N.C. Mts., NC(Zone 6b)

Jaye, It's wonderful to read your post and feel the love in it. So happy you love your "pillow"
Hope you are feeling better. That crud that is going around seems to last for ever.
Sending love & prayers.

(Barb) Manchester, NH(Zone 5a)

So glad it arrived Jaye. Keeping you in my prayers.....

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Jaye, I think with the $20.00 he gave you, I would have bought 20 hot dogs, and told him he gets 20 tube steaks for his money.

This message was edited Jan 10, 2015 11:32 AM


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