7 year old chicken with a wing joint injury

McKinleyville, United States

On Christmas Day, after family with young children left our property, we noticed that our oldest chicken, Colleen, was limping and holding her wing differently. Since then she hasn't been eating or drinking. She's not coming out of the coop on her own and she falls to the side of her injury if she tries to walk. I felt around today and realized that her entire wing joint is swollen. I tried to realign, incase it had been dislocated, and dint feel or see a change. I did the same at her hip joint and felt a popping, but it didn't make a difference in her stability. This injury is now 3 days old. Would wrapping it help? Not sure what to do.

Richmond, TX

Wrapping the wing against her body might help it heal - unless she is using it to balance/compensate for the hip injury. Make sure she has food and water within easy reach.

(Zone 6b)

Sorry to hear about your chicken. Is she any better?

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