Time to plant wildflowers

Fort Worth, TX

I wish I'd have gotten out today to scatter wildflower seed. With the rain tomorrow it might be possible to get some to germinate. Anyone else trying?

Thumbnail by Gypsi Thumbnail by Gypsi Thumbnail by Gypsi
Liberty Hill, TX(Zone 8a)

I am. I've been tossing seed since Oct. My place has been over run with grass weeds and there are seeds germinating under the dead grass. I don't know if these are weeds or natives that have reseeded? After the Holidays I hope to get the dead grass under control. I've been tossing seeds for years so I'll get wildflowers anyway but Ive never dealt with grass in these beds before....

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

I should be, but I've been down with the flu and a sinus infection. I was going to pull up a bunch of stuff along the driveway and then seed it. Never got the stuff pulled up, so maybe I'll just toss the seeds out and see what happens.

Fort Worth, TX

I haven't yet either, but I cleaned the 7 ft by 8 ft pond filter on Flower Power as I have incoming fish and I hadn't cleaned since MARCH... (when it's big you have some latitude, it is where I grew my tomatoes

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