December in my greenhouse

Fort Worth, TX

My greenhouse project is coming along fairly well. I have a mouse or rat in there with a taste for seedlings and the phlox plants I snagged at discount from Ace Hardware. I have a rat trap under a flowerpot baited with peanut butter, hope to go out there in a few and find it occupied.

I started a tomato plant from a cutting that did actually root and now has a few spider mites. My dogs watched me spray it with water from my spray bottle and wondered what that plant did wrong.

My stuff from fall RU is all alive except the frostweed, I think it does not care to be transplanted.
My geraniums are cheerful and the discounted petunias from Lowes were fine til I set them on an a tray with water in it and gave a couple root rot. Transplanted to a wide bowl pot last night.

Have a solar pool blanket wrapped around it (mine is a leaky greenhouse aka well ventilated on the south side of my house) and a temp humidity guage in it. When it gets too cold I run a load of clothes through my dryer, get the laundry done and heat the greenhouse all at once

The 100 gallon stock tank has baby goldfish in it now. Couldn't keep it warm enough for tilapia. It is a heat sink and plant fertilizer all in one.

This message was edited Dec 17, 2014 9:33 AM

Thumbnail by Gypsi Thumbnail by Gypsi Thumbnail by Gypsi
Josephine, Arlington, TX(Zone 8a)

I think your Frostweed may have gone dormant, greenhouse looking good.

Fort Worth, TX

so I shouldn't toss it out. Ok, will put with dormant tree. (Unless the rat eats it. Added a 2nd trap this afternoon)

Josephine, Arlington, TX(Zone 8a)

Bless your heart, rats can be a big problem.

Fort Worth, TX

well yes. And dogs would be happy to catch the little monster BUT they would destroy the greenhouse in the process. Thinking about pulling traps and sticking a cat in there for a couple of hours. My female would be more than happy.

Fort Worth, TX

Win for the rat trap. Don't see a freeze but I had to move some of his favorite snacks OUT of the greenhouse, will be nice to bring back in.

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Ugh, we had MICE here in Boston (once my daughter learned she was allergic to the cat). My other daughter lived here with two dogs until this summer and there are no mice -- APPARENTLY. I don'r know what we'd do if it turned out they moved back in.

Your GH looks beautiful.

The dogs tried their best to destroy the house!

Fort Worth, TX

Thank you Carrie and Josephine. Dogs that are after a rat are a real mess that is for sure. especially since I have big dogs. I was relieved to find the trap sprung, but it will probably NOT be my last rat in the greenhouse. I have chickenwire and gravel borders around the walls but the barriers aren't perfect

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