Need help with identifying this tree in southeast florida

Lake Worth, FL

Anyone know what kind of tree this is? Just moved into new place and trying to determine what is in my yard. This is in southeast Florida. Thanks

Thumbnail by pdabill Thumbnail by pdabill Thumbnail by pdabill
Scott County, KY(Zone 5b)

I don't know what your tree is - though it appears to have opposite arrangement of simple leaves with entire margins.

I would ask on behalf of others for you to check images before posting, so that the correct orientation is achieved without us having to turn our laptops sideways. This most often occurs when posting from a mobile device, less so from a PC or other landlocked computer.

I wish I knew more FL plants.

Northumberland, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Looks more like leaflets on a single leaf - there's no buds in the axils, and just a soft spine at the apex.

Could be a Lychee Litchi chinensis?


EDIT: missed photo #3! Not so sure on that now ;-)

This message was edited Dec 7, 2014 4:19 PM

Scott County, KY(Zone 5b)

I'd agree with Resin's back step, and disagree with his initial diagnosis of compound foliage.

The first image shows me fresh soft terminal stem growth with opposite simple leaves, with no new buds formed yet.

The third image seems to confirm that same condition, with older firmer stems showing oppositely arranged simple leaves. None of the images clearly show buds.

Again, more pictures showing small parts more clearly will always help. Any flowering/fruiting parts (attached to tree, or laying on ground) would aid in ID as well.

(Robin) Blissfield, MI(Zone 6a)

Sure looks like Plumeria leaves to me.

Kansasville, WI(Zone 5a)

Looks like a Ficus to me. A houseplant in my area.

This message was edited Dec 8, 2014 8:20 AM

Lake Worth, FL

Thanks for the responses. Here are some more pictures.

Thumbnail by pdabill Thumbnail by pdabill Thumbnail by pdabill Thumbnail by pdabill Thumbnail by pdabill
(Robin) Blissfield, MI(Zone 6a)

Does it have hidden leaf buds?

(Robin) Blissfield, MI(Zone 6a)

The leaves have a veined margin like Plumeria but the bark is not right. It could be Syzygium grande, or syzygium jambolanum.

(Robin) Blissfield, MI(Zone 6a)

Pdabill, did you identify your tree?

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Yeah, looks very similar to a Ficus and a Rubber Tree to me, they both look alot alike. I have a variegated Rubber Tree that's about 3 feet tall and it has very similar shaped leaves as yours, Pd. But, it's been awhile since you got back so you may have found out what it is. I bet Rubber Tree is a popular year round plant down there. I wish my variegated one was hardy here year round, it is beautiful too.

Lake Stevens, WA(Zone 8a)

I also immediately thought of Plumeria when I saw the opposite, rather leathery leaves with pronounced marginal veins. There are a bunch of different species, and south Florida would be prime habitat. May have to wait for flowers! There are so many tropicals that can be planted there. What a nice tree.

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Nevermind the Rubber Tree, the leaves don't appear to be opposite like yours, pd. -

Also, I see Ficus Elastica and Rubber Tree are the same thing. Hey, I only claim to be right maybe 2% of the time! lol

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