Quercus lyrata?

Vienna, VA(Zone 7a)

This little guy is growing in a shady area in my backyard. The closest match I can find for it is Quercus lyrata; does it look like one? Neighbors upwind from us might have one, because its leaves look like something I've been clearing from my lawn.

It's growing within feet of 2 other volunteer tree seedlings, one Cornus florida and one mystery. That, plus the shady location, makes me think I should move it if I'm going to keep it.

Thumbnail by Muddy1 Thumbnail by Muddy1
Scott County, KY(Zone 5b)

It doesn't look exactly like any individual species - though I'd put it in the White Oak group since I don't make out any bristles on the tips of those leaf lobes. Could very well have the parent as your neighbor's tree - show us diagnostic images of that one.

Pretty much all oaks are promiscuous, meaning their windblown pollen mates with what it lands on that is receptive. White oak group with white oak group; red oak group with red oak group, and so on. If there are multiple species of from the white oak group around (like Quercus alba, Quercus bicolor, Quercus lyrata, Quercus stellata, etc., then your seedling is likely from a mixed partnership.

Additionally, very early year leaves on seedling oaks often don't look a lot like what their parentage is, and what that plant will grow up to be. Put it in shade where leaves will be inordinately larger to gather the dim light for photosynthesis - and it is even harder to ID them exactly.

Seeing the buds on your seedling can help, too - that is a good diagnostic tool.

Vienna, VA(Zone 7a)

A progeny of a promiscuous partnership?! I never would have guessed that. Thanks, VV.

I think I'll dig it up and plant it in the forest, where it can rub elbows with other NOID oaks of mixed heritage, like this one gamely trying to grow on the base of a fallen tree.

Thumbnail by Muddy1
Vienna, VA(Zone 7a)

....missing photo

Thumbnail by Muddy1
Scott County, KY(Zone 5b)

Good on you.

That last one looks like a rookie White Oak seedling.

Vienna, VA(Zone 7a)

Thanks, VV. I like my little reforestation project.

Scott County, KY(Zone 5b)

From little acorns spring great oaks...

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