ID Please?

rio de janeiro, Brazil

Any help for identificaion? Thanks

Thumbnail by jardim2 Thumbnail by jardim2 Thumbnail by jardim2
Keaau, HI

Looks like an Asclepias, Butterflyweed.

Maybe Asclepias tuberosa.

Colima, Mexico(Zone 11)

It looks to me more like the yellow/gold version of Asclepias curassavica.

Bradenton Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Looks like Asclepias to me

Colima, Mexico(Zone 11)

Hello tropical gardeners! Toward the end of 2014 and the beginning of 2015, i had a terrible time with leaf cutter ants. They have been around since i began this garden 8 years ago, but not in great numbers until recently. My garden is at the back of the house and walled in the spanish tradition. They come in the night and can strip a large tree completely bare by dawn. I cut back a lot of vegetation (luckily things grow fast here) and attacked them with a soap, water, cinnamon and clove oil mixture. No toxic chemicals are used in my garden to prevent harming the caterpillars,butterflies and other nectar lovers. Does anyone have problems with the leaf cutter ants? How do you deal with them?

This message was edited Oct 1, 2015 6:07 PM


Try straight cinnamon?

Colima, Mexico(Zone 11)

Thanks for the idea adenium. I wonder why i posted my question on someone else's thread re a plant id?...maybe temporary insanity or a mistake :-). I have used powdered cinnamon in the past and what i discovered is that the larger ants like the leaf cutters will have a group of ants that sacrifice themselves by laying down in the cinnamon powder to create bridges so the rest of the ants can pass over safely. I have also placed a water filled moat around a bush, and the larger ants just swam to the other side with few casualties. I wonder if putting garlic water and cinnamon oil in the moat water would stop them?

Oklahoma City, OK(Zone 7b)

You should post a new thread about the leaf cutter ants on the Tropical Gardening forum. I would like to see what others are doing.

I have the same problem with them. Nothing works.
I have finally used a nicotine product drizzled on the base of the plant where it comes out of the ground, only after it is defoliated completely and no flowers. That seems to stop them from coming back.
Problem plants - roses, gardenias, fuschia.

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