Liatris plants or bulbs

Niles, MI(Zone 5a)

I am looking for liatris plants or bulbs for my garden. I have redbud seeds to trade, they have been stratified and are ready to grow. Redbuds are very hardy, grown in Michigan so they will take the cold or I will pay postage

Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

Annabelle, do you want them now or next spring?? I have the purple and the white one.

Thumbnail by HazelCrestMikeB Thumbnail by HazelCrestMikeB
Jackson, MO(Zone 6b)

Mike, I would like to have some of your Liatris-both colors. I can pay for postage, or I have Gladiolus I can trade. They are winter hardy for me. They survived the cold winter we had 2013/2014. I am sure they are okay from this winter also. I can go look to see if they are up yet.
They are burgundy. I may have the name somewhere, and I think I have some pictures.
Or, heck, I may have some other kind of perennial you may be interested in.

Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

Birder17 we can surely do a trade. Just D-mail me on what you have in the extra dept. Glads could be one of my choice for sure.

Jackson, MO(Zone 6b)

I have Platycodon grandiflorus "Mariesii" Looks just like this one.
I also have Kniphofia. I don't know the name. There's a picture of mine in "Plant of the Year in Your Garden" in Perennials dated February 25th in birder17 post.
And the Gladiolus.
Would you like any of these?

Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

Birder17, I just got a chance to check out the plants. I would definitely go with the Kniphofia. How tall does it get? It look very tall in your picture. Regardless of the height that's the one I want.

Jackson, MO(Zone 6b)

Okay on the Kniphofia!. When it's in bloom, it's abut 3 to 3 1/2 feet tall. Otherwise, it clumps and it's about 2 feet tall.
Give me some time to get it to you.

My husband just had hip surgery so I stay busy taking care of him. He's doing well.

I will get the Kniphofia to you. Also, since I'm sending the Kniphofia, would you like some of the burgundy Gladiolus bulbs also?

Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

Birder, since you are in a giving mood my answer is yes. I will make sure the colors are separated and marked. I am not in any rush. It is still cold around here. You can send them when you get a chance. I will d-mail you my address this weekend. Mike

Jackson, MO(Zone 6b)


Jackson, MO(Zone 6b)

Mike, I haven't forgotten you. I have been waiting on the Glads to come up. I finally pulled away the mulch and I see sprouts!

So, within two weeks, I should be able to send both the Glads and the Kniphofia.

I will let you know when I mail them.

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