September Queen-Betty Pauze-what joy to open your offerings!

Victoria Harbour, ON

Thought because there were many posts on my original thread and it might be difficult for some to view my treasures that I would start a 2nd thread

moved from here:

This message was edited Nov 3, 2014 6:42 AM

Thumbnail by Bettypauze
Victoria Harbour, ON

Lets start with the Joanns Gift Card

oh my, I sure had fun adding to my stash..could see heirloom projects for family and friends ..
something to keep me out of mischief in the upcoming year..who knows some might get used us before then lol

Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze
Victoria Harbour, ON

LindaKay, a very special thanks jammies, imagine, jammies with Queen on it..I'll feel like a queen each time I wear them

received: know me and glitter, love the glitter pumpkin, and did you make those creatures and pumpkins, shaking my head, if you did that's mighty creative, creative to buy them as well lol how you know me and my decorating for every season

candies, don't need the calories but you know I'll eat them all, wonderful socks with grips on them, you will notice in the photo LindaKay that a pair is missing, already wearing them

love the lotion as well, just putting fall/thanksgiving/Halloween away in totes then out comes Christmas today as the next few weekends I'll be busy..will have hot bath and treat myself.

When the girls and I were on our Roadtrip we met up with LindaKay in San Antonio

look what she made so that we can remember that spectacular day..girls will love them LindaKay, and you just know they will be smilling

Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze
Victoria Harbour, ON

Box 2 from Susie

had to smile at the bag you made Susie, too cute for words..been thinking of looking this spring for a cactus so I can put my rocks in them..just love them

and the hand wipe towel as well, got to know I've got more Red/White/Blue out July 4th than I have Red and White on July 1st..always being told about it

that's to celebrate with my American friends

Thumbnail by Bettypauze
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Looks like you have a few boxes to go through. Glad you like your pressies, and yes, I made the ghost.

Victoria Harbour, ON

well I love them LindaKay..just packed them in the Halloween tote, will be excited for sure come next fall when I open, can ohhh and ahhh again

Box 3 from Kathy

Big smile when I saw the brushes and the fabric..omg Kathy, I did a quilt using same would you believe it, had leftovers but not enough to do anything with and here you send me this fabric..

don't have a manicure set for my purse, just put it in my tote bag, another useful item

and the towels, so pretty-hate to use them

the pot holder recipe I will try, not the best baker but who know, might just be a treat to cook vs doing crafts lol

a garden angel, she will look so pretty near the pond

thank you

Thumbnail by Bettypauze
Victoria Harbour, ON

Box 4 - Turtle

more pressies to ohhh and ahhh at

got the earth and spiritual feeling with this box

already went through the calendar and read passages

lovely sounding chimes, beads are so colorful

soap, another bar I'll not want to use

I'm terrible, likely many of you are the same, get pretty t towels and don't want to use them

I've a t-towel rack that many of these will go on, brightens up my French café

lip balm will surely help when the cold wind chaps my lips

and the balloon flower seeds, thank you, they will look marvellous in my gardens

Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze
Victoria Harbour, ON

Box 5 - Annette

house is going to smell mightly nice tonight, yep going to plug in warmer in a bit
hmmmm where shall it go

you know how I love gardening, love the sign, will be set in a place of honor

thank you

Thumbnail by Bettypauze
Victoria Harbour, ON

Box 6 - Alana

big sigh, plum tuckered out opening gifts

each one so very special

my home is very country, lordy, anyone visiting will smell Annette's 'apple & spice' in the kitchen and Alana's 'maple sugar' candle in the family room..what odors, soooo homey, just as I like it

Alana, love the ruler, do scrapbooking from time to time and will come in handy

and you know me with cement and stepping stones, will get them done come spring, likely a few more for around the ponds

and again more pretties for my garden

yikes, hope everyone sending t-towels aren't encouraging their Queen to do dishes???

Thank you Alana

Thumbnail by Bettypauze
Victoria Harbour, ON

Box 7 - Julie

Think you gals think I need something to do, all these projects

Julie sent me a mosaic house number kit, looks interesting, a must do!

A magazine with projects for all seasons

garden trellis

nail clippers and flower file

fabric, of course the minute I opened it I thought 'tote bag' lol

and look at the festive scarf she made it!

thanks Julie

Thumbnail by Bettypauze
Victoria Harbour, ON

meant to include photo of a bowl Julie hand crafted
was not in the photo because I already had it sitting on a shelf

Thumbnail by Bettypauze

Betty I am so glad you enjoyed shopping with the gift card we sent you!! You are well loved here on Daves and you deserve each and every gift for being such a wonderful friend to us all!!

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Are there more pressies to be posted Betty?

Victoria Harbour, ON

more...too many already

no, I have posted all the boxes from Debbie
should have said so, but, so exhausted from opening boxes lol

I so do appreciate all your thoughtfulness
I am one happy September Queen


there better be more boxes

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

You should have 4 more boxes Betty.


Well Im wondering where my box went for you now, says it was delivered :(

Victoria Harbour, ON

Did I get some boxes mixed up??

Would those who sent boxes tell me when they were sent and what was in them?

Maybe I thought they could fit the criteria of another swap and listed them there??


my box was delivered 9/12 double vinegar box packed with fabric =/

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

there should be a box from


So you might want to check with your friend .so we can locate
these Boxes .

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

we need to repost this on your thread so others can see this & post what they mailed to you . so you will know .

Victoria Harbour, ON

I've been losing connection with Wi-Fi
had posted that I put photo's of badcat's lovely box of fabric but it must have gone down at same time as I posted.

at the same time I had my aunt drop in for lunch so I did not come back for most posting

just this minute got up and running but not sure for how much longer

Debbie did bring me all the boxes she received
perhaps what was sent I thought fit the profile of other swaps and attached photo there



can post what they sent I'll go in searching threads

Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze
(Crystal) Waverly, AL

Mudelf and I contributed to the gift certificate to Joanne's. Maybe Rose318 did also.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Deep sigh of relief because I sure enjoyed picking up more fabric
Was fun spending your gift

Whoever thought of that knew I'd be smilling ear to ear


Oh Good! Im glad it made it! Lol was about to go tearing through the house looking for the receipt! =o haha Happy Sewing!

Victoria Harbour, ON

that I will

Mount Sterling, KY(Zone 6b)

Betty I noticed in your photo of my box that on the sign one of the butterfly's wings was broken in shipping. did you find the piece in the box? I know it was on it when I mailed it out because I took photos just in case. Sorry that happened, I thought I packed it very carefully.

Victoria Harbour, ON

tis fine, will look in the box if not I can repair, didn't notice

love angels


in Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

She posted my box in the Windchime swap. lol

We thought because you love to sew and you mentioned that the fabric was so expensive in Canada, that you would enjoy the gift card. It is like the gift that keeps giving as you got the joy of the card, then the joy of shopping, then the joy of creating with all the fabric, last but not least the joy of the finished items will always remind you that you are our friend and our Retired Queen!!!!!

Victoria Harbour, ON

Sorry Rose, so thought I had put all on right thread as not to miss anyone
Will post photo
Of the windchime here

And yes Elf, I was so overwhelmed when LindaKay told me abut the gift card

It was fun Saturday trying to make the most with the get the extra 25% of entire bill put the topping on my shopping day!

in Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

No problem Betty just wanted you to know I didn't forget you. Wow sure did received a bunch of wonderful gift Betty.

This message was edited Nov 5, 2014 5:53 PM


Victoria Harbour, ON

I love him,

he'll be sitting right next to the smaller pond watching guard lol
believe he belonged in froggie swap but just in case i'll post him here

This message was edited Nov 6, 2014 5:35 AM

Thumbnail by Bettypauze
Victoria Harbour, ON

did I post any other on incorrect thread

hanging in my craft room until spring

Thumbnail by Bettypauze
Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

this is what I sent- brushes, fabrics, garden angel, towels ect

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