Suncatchers: beads, mirror cut-outs and holographic paper

Edinburg, TX

It's been years since I've made suncatchers and bead dangles. Had my back porch beams replaced so had to remove some of my hanging decorations. Figured it was a good time to make some news ones as the old ones had lost beads, broken or faded over the years.

I love holographic paper and figured I could use the adhesive type on the backside of mirror cut-outs. I think they look great. When the sun catches them just right it about brings a tear to my eye - so pretty!!! What can I say...I'm distracted by shiny objects! LOL!!!

I bought the mirror butterfly cut-outs at Walmart. They've got adhesive on the back for sticking on a wall...but I just stuck the holographic paper on it and sandwiched the fishing line between them. I also added acrylic rhinestones for a touch of bling as well as those small craft tile type mirrors - the sunlight hits those and throws reflected lights all over my porch and yard.

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