What's eating circular holes in rose leaves?

Georgetown, SC(Zone 8a)

Just recently I've notice this on several roses in my garden; these distinctive circular and semi-circular holes in the leaves. I'm sure someone here knows who the culprit is but it's a new one for me. Please help! :)

Thumbnail by DebinSC Thumbnail by DebinSC
San Francisco, CA

leaf cutting bees. They are very hard to deter. You might try neem oil.

Georgetown, SC(Zone 8a)

Thank you, Vestia. I looked them up. Yes, the jury seems to be out on Neem effectivness. Looks like covering those roses with netting or cheesecloth is about the only thing that's known to work. If it gets bad enough, I may try that since they seem to have a limited season during which they cut the leaves.
Much appreciated!

This message was edited Oct 15, 2014 10:25 AM

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