October Birthday card swap

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Happy Birthday!!!

The DG birthday card club is a way to ensure a special day.

We welcome new members to the birthday thread. Our delightful obligation is to send a card to each birthday club member when his/her birthday occurs.

It's best to receive a pile of cards on or before your birthday so we do our best to send each card in a timely manner. This makes the card more meaningful to the recipient and to the sender. We don't have to send expensive or elaborate cards. We can make one or pick up one at nearly any store these days, or buy a whole box of cards at once and be prepared for the whole year!

It's a wonderful experience to receive cards in the mail.

Current Birthday Club Members:

rose318 / Patti -- March 18
AmandaEsq / Amanda -- April 6
taters55 / Linda Kay -- June 13
Katgroves / Kathy -- October 25
GardenQuail / Michelle -- October 28

We came from here... http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/t/1374169/

Thumbnail by taters55
Mountain View, CA(Zone 9b)

Hi, all.
Catching up on my Dave's Garden reading :)
LK, thanks for starting the October thread!
By the way, is it just my page, or did something change on Dave's Garden? All my month names are spelled in something other than English, and the time given for a post does not say whether the time is AM or PM. I made no changes to my settings. Any ideas?
Well, I've gotten a lot done this last couple of weeks. I think my list of things to do each day is about to be more reasonable again, or at least, I hope so!
Well, probably ought to sign off for now.
Everyone, take care, and have a great Friday!

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Probably just another bug with dg?
As far as the time, I have never seen am or pm.

Mountain View, CA(Zone 9b)

Hi, all.
Thanks, Linda. Looks like you were right... The dates and times are fixed. Yay!
Have a great weekend!

Mountain View, CA(Zone 9b)

Hi, all.
Hope you've enjoyed your weekend :) Been hot here during the day, but nighttime and early mornings are quite cool. Still too hot to work on the south-facing deck, though I did manage to finally get some dead plant debris cleaned up the other week before some nice rain came through. But looking at the planters now, you'd never know the rain came!
LK, have you heard anything from Amanda, Patti, or Kathy? If not, want me to drop them a line to see how they're doing?
Have a great Monday!

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

I see Patti in other threads, but I have not seen others posting.
If you don't mind sending them a link to the new thread.

Mountain View, CA(Zone 9b)

Hi, LK.
I'll see what I can find out.
Have a great Tuesday!

in Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Good morning ladies.
I hope everyone is doing well. I have been really busy with work and getting ready for a vacation. The weather here has been great. I really need to clean off my desk ,but can't find the time right now. I didn't forget that our two girls have birthday this month. I will be sending them out early due to my traveling. I hope you don't mind.
Well ladies have a great day .

Thumbnail by rose318
Mountain View, CA(Zone 9b)

Hi, all.
Patti, very good to hear from you! I'll keep an eye out for the birthday card :) Where are you going on your vacation? I hope you have a wonderful time!
LK, I also sent dmails to Amanda and Kathy, so hopefully they will get a chance to stop by soon, too.
Everyone, have a lovely day!

in Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

HI Michelle,
It so nice to hear from you too. We are going on a cruise. My very first cruise, and I can't wait. First vacation in 15 yrs. I think it is about time. LOL.
I hope you have a good evening . Take care.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Enjoy your cruise Patti!

Otway, OH(Zone 6b)

Hello everybody,
I have had a rough time starting with my Dad falling on September 16th and breaking his hip, still in the hospital and hopefully will get out tomorrow. Then on September 27th, I cut my ring finger on my left hand and had to have 4 stitches so am doing along of one-handed typing.


(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Ouch! Hope your finger heals quickly.
Sending prayers for your Dad!

in Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Hi Kathy
Sending prayers to you and your father.

Thanks Linda Kay a much needed vacation I can't wait.

Mountain View, CA(Zone 9b)

Oh, Kathy, what a month! I, too, will keep you and your dad in my prayers. And, thanks for taking a moment to stop by to say hello and catch us up on what all is happening!
Patti, sounds like a well-earned vacation! I've never been on a cruise before, either. Have a lovely time! We look forward to hearing about your trip when you get back :)
Take care, everyone, and have a great Thursday!

Otway, OH(Zone 6b)

Thanks everyone, Dad is supposed to be released tomorrow and I am supposed to get the stiches out on Sunday but may still have to wear the splint to work. Will see what they say when they come out. Appreciate the prayers. Kathy

in Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Good morning ladies.
I hope you all have ah wonderful day. Katgroves I don't see your address in the list. Can you send me your address ?

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

We will all need your address please? Send us a Dmail with info when you can.

Otway, OH(Zone 6b)

I put mine in yesterday.

Mountain View, CA(Zone 9b)

Hi, all.
Kathy, how is your dad doing? I imagine you are a bit busier now... hope all is going well.
Been fighting a bug most of this week. I Hope I'm close to the end of it. Guess I'll be getting Kathy's card next week, assuming I'm recovered.
By the way, Kathy, since typing is difficult for you right now, if it makes it easier, you could dmail your address to one of us, and that person could pass it on to the others if that helps.
Well, stay well and safe, everyone, and have a great weekend!

Mountain View, CA(Zone 9b)

Hi, Kathy.
Looks like we were sending posts at the same time :) Glad you were able to add your address to the address exchange :)

Otway, OH(Zone 6b)

Hello everybody,
Dad is doing better and is home, well at least he is at my sister's as she is more able to take care of him than my Mom is. I got the stitches out today but will still need to keep it wrapped and the splint on it as I work in a nursing home.

Glad to see that my address is in. I hoped that I had done it right.

Hope that everyone has a great rest of the day and a great Sunday.


Mountain View, CA(Zone 9b)

Hi, all.
Kathy, yes, I have your address now :)
Glad to hear your dad is doing better. And, that's great news that you got the stitches out! Take good care of that finger so it can finish healing.
I'm still not a hundred percent, but still improving. Sadly, I think my husband is catching whatever I had. Hopefully, he can fight it off a bit quicker than I've been able to.
Take care, all, and have a great rest of the weekend!

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Sure hope both of you heal quickly. Seems to be a bug going around, guess it is that time of year.

Kathy, glad to hear your Dad is home with your Sis, please take care of that finger.

Otway, OH(Zone 6b)

Thanks everyone, I am still going to keep it wrapped at work but will let the air into it at home.

Michelle, hope that you both are starting to feel better, there is something going around at the nursing home so hope that I don't catch it.

Have a great rest of the day.


Mountain View, CA(Zone 9b)

Hi, all.
Well, it has certainly been a restful weekend! Too bad we both had to catch a bug for it to be so restful... Well, off to take more cough medicine. Was hoping not to have to take any today, but I guess I'm not quite there. But I do still think I'm improving.
Kathy, I do hope you don't catch the bug at the nursing home. Get lots of rest and all that :)
Take care, all, and have a great day!

Mountain View, CA(Zone 9b)

Hi, all.
Lovely warm weather out there today :)
Hope you are all having a beautiful day!

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Ladies, we have two Birthdays coming up soon, get those cards ready to mail please?

Julie has the Christmas Swap 2014 open, come and check it out!

Mountain View, CA(Zone 9b)

Hi, all.
I have Kathy's card :) Hoping to get it mailed in time to go out Monday.
Finally started getting out and about again on Wednesday. And there was much rejoicing from my guide dog (lots of tail wags!).
Have a wonderful weekend, everyone!

Otway, OH(Zone 6b)

Patti, I received your birthday card yesterday, thanks so much. Kathy

Mountain View, CA(Zone 9b)

Hi, all.
Well, today, October 20, is a special day here. This is my guide dog's tenth birthday! He's looking forward to those yummy treats that he doesn't even have to do anything special for... Mommy and Daddy will sing Happy Birthday to him, and then yummy treats magically appear! He says he doesn't even have to get his toenails trimmed or ears cleaned first :)
Have a great day, everyone!

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Happy Birthday to your guide dog Michelle!

in Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Good morning Ladies,

I am back home from vacation. It was awesome. I am glad to here you received my card I sent you Kathy. I hope you have a wonderful birthday. I also sent Michelle a cards too. I hope she received her card.
Well I need to unpack ,and get some clothes washed. I will chat later. Take care.
PS: Happy birthday Michelle guide dog.

Otway, OH(Zone 6b)

Michelle, hope that the doggy has a good birthday, they are as spoiled as kids and grandkids. Kathy

Mountain View, CA(Zone 9b)

Hi, all.
I think my guide dog enjoyed his birthday. He had fun people-watching when a friend and I went out for lunch, got to say hi to a ten-month-old little girl who crawled over to visit him while I was waiting to get my flu shot (he normally isn't supposed to visit, but I allowed a special birthday exception), had a lovely nap in the sun, and enjoyed yummy snacks after we sang Happy Birthday to him. All in all, it was a good day :)
Patti, thank you! Your card arrived :) Had to get my husband to check through the mail for me... It is now hanging up with the other cards we've received this year :) Your card is my first birthday card this year.
Patti, sounds like you had a lot of fun on your trip. Do share more details :) And, welcome home!
Have a great day, everyone!

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Goodness, your up early! Glad to hear he had a good day. What is his name?

Mountain View, CA(Zone 9b)

Hi, all.
Up early? Actually I went to bed late... I'm on west coast time, so sometimes it's easier and works better in my schedule to post just before bed :)
Got a little rain yesterday, but it's sunny again today. They say we're supposed to get a bit more rain later this week. What's the weather like in your area? I must say, it is beginning to feel like fall again.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Nice and cool for us here in Texas, about 82 and cloudy!

Mountain View, CA(Zone 9b)

Ah, 82 sounds nice, even if it is cloudy :)
Oh, I forgot...
Kathy, I mailed your card yesterday. It's signed by me and my guide dog :)

Otway, OH(Zone 6b)

Michelle, yours is going out tomorrow. Kathy

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