Clivia problems

Does anyone know what is wrong with my mom's clivia? It has some brown spots on its leaves. I have done a mistake with this plant and washed it with soap one time because we have had thrips problem here. We have changed the pot for this plant also because the old one was broken (it was a pot with a water tank) and the all soil were under the water and some roots had rot.

I dont know is the problem thrips, soap or the rot that was on the roots? Clivia makes a new healthy leaf and looks happy, but those brown spots on the older leaves are ugly and I'm worried.

Thank you for any help!

Thumbnail by Midi Thumbnail by Midi

Please help me! I have still this problem and don't know what to do! The new leaves have this problem too!

Contra Costa County, CA(Zone 9b)

I know Clivia can get rust, but this does not look like rust, to me. I do not even know if it is actually a disease. Perhaps.

Since the soap treatment did not make this go away, do not repeat it. Stresses the plant and did not help. If you can find a fungicide for house plants (mild products, usually) you can try this. The old problems (the brown spots) won't go away, but if the fungicide is the right product the new growth should not develop the problem.

The plant looks pretty good, to me- strong, green leaves. Has it been blooming?

Hi Diana, thank you for your answer! This clivia is very old, has not bloomed for many years.

Where is that fungus (or what is it) problem coming from? From the root rot, or soap or somewhere else? Have not that same problem on any other plant.

Is it possible to spread the fungus from the older leaves to new ones with the cloth I use for cleaning the leaves? Or is it possible there is still the root rot that causes the fungus?

I need to go and take a look if here in Finland I can find a fungicide for house plants. Is there any other way to help this plant without using chemicals?

Contra Costa County, CA(Zone 9b)

Root rots are various organisms that attack roots in water logged, low oxygen soils.

If you unpot the plant you would notice brown, mushy roots. Just the tips or small sections in a mild case, or else most of the roots would be gone in a more severe case.

In the most advanced cases the root rot organisms would travel up the stem and into the base of the leaves, and the whole plant would fall over.

To prevent this make sure the plant is in a container that drains. Does not hold water.
Make sure the soil suits the plant, but look for a coarse, porous soil that drains well. If the plant is a forest floor sort of plant, then the soil might be high in bark chips.
Avoid soil with very fine particles. This type of soil holds too much water for most land plants. Does not allow air into the root area. Plants need oxygen in the root zone.

To remedy a mild case of root rot you can repot the plant into better soil and water it with a little hydrogen peroxide added to the water. 1 tablespoon per gallon. This does not sound like much, but that is the dose.


I still do not know what caused the spots on the leaves.

If they showed up after you treated with soap, then perhaps that was the cause.

Nothing you can do now, after the damage is done, except do not repeat that treatment.


If a plant has a disease or pests, then anything that touches that plant (hand, cloth, watering can... ) can transmit that disease or pest to another part of that plant, or to another plant. Isolating the plant can help, and keeping different tools for working with sick plants would be a good idea. Certainly washing tools and hands after dealing with a sick plant is an important precaution.


No, you cannot do anything in this universe without chemicals.
Even the stuff you pour into the soil is that dreaded dihydrogen monoxide. Gotta watch out for that chemical- it can be deadly.

This message was edited Sep 25, 2015 5:57 PM

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