Chokeberry shrubs 2

Downingtown, PA

The first shot is a line of regular Black Chokeberry shrubs in ne IL, the second is my Tall Black Chokeberry, Aronia melanocarpa elata, in bloom in May and is about 10 ft high, the third is my line of maturing Red Chokeberry shrubs in bloom in April in my backyard in full sun, the forth is a Red Chokeberry in fall that is thin growing because it is located in a good amount of shade, and the forth is a close-up of Red Chokeberry fruit in December in se PA.

Thumbnail by Rickwebb Thumbnail by Rickwebb Thumbnail by Rickwebb Thumbnail by Rickwebb Thumbnail by Rickwebb
Lititz, PA(Zone 6b)

It's interesting that in pic 3 they do look a little leggy. I guess that's just how they grow? If that's the case, I don't need to be worried about mine.

Downingtown, PA

The Red Chokeberry does grow very upright and leggy. I often like legginess in shrubs, depending. Easier to plant other stuff around leggy shrubs. The Black species is lower and more bushy , especially if it is one of several cultivars from Chicagoland Grows.

Lititz, PA(Zone 6b)

I may have mentioned my aronia line that was planted in the spring. The nursery is giving me 8 replacements and of them, 4 are blacks. Since it's a hedge, I'm not too worried about the height difference but it may look odd if some are dense to the ground and others are not.

Downingtown, PA

The Black Chokeberry shrubs may not be the compact cultivars and may grow upright to about 6 ft or more. I have a customer who has a mix of both and they are much alike in part shade.

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