what's eating my candian lilac?

Denver, CO

Didn't see a pest around yet all the leaves are almost gone... Please help!

Thumbnail by ronhinger Thumbnail by ronhinger
Contra Costa County, CA(Zone 9b)

Try trapping the pest with a loosely rolled newspaper.
Set the paper on the ground near the lilac. Many pests climb down the plant to spend the day hidden in the soil, and will just as happily hide in the rolled newspaper. Pick it up the next day and quickly transfer it to a white bucket and shake it out to see what you caught.

Those big, somewhat irregular bites look like the nibbling of a larger bug like a grasshopper, but might be a high population of some type of root weevil. There is at least one of these that specializes in lilac and its relatives. Don't know if the Lilac Root Weevil is found in your area.

This message was edited Aug 23, 2014 6:20 AM

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