Michelia Alba needs help

La Mesa, CA

I've had this tree for a couple of years. It was in a pot and I planted it 2 years ago.
It seems to always have spotting or brown edged leaves, which eventually fall off.
It also can look quite good for a while.
It is watered twice weekly with 5 1 gallon drippers for 90 minutes.
I occasionally add sulphur to acidify the soil and sometimes that seems to help.
Lately the leaves seem to droop even after watering.
Any thoughts would be appreciated.


Thumbnail by JimmyDean Thumbnail by JimmyDean
Santa Ana, CA(Zone 10b)

Our lack of winter rain may be the cause. We didn't get enough to leach the bad water and fertilizer salts out of the root zone. Have you checked how deep your watering method is soaking the soil? It might be better to let the hose trickle on it longer, and water less frequently so the roots go deep. Try to keep water away from the trunk, as that can cause rot.

La Mesa, CA

Thanks. I'll try that.

San Francisco, CA

Your water is so hard and alkaline, I would think you need more than "occasional" sulphur; I would use an acid fertilizer no less than every two weeks. I agree that the pot should be kept moist at all times, and watered to the point of runoff every time.

La Mesa, CA

Thanks for the advice. It's in the ground anyway. I had the same problem when it was in a pot.

Santa Ana, CA(Zone 10b)

Ha ha! One of my favorite orchid growers proudly proclaimed that the plants I was buying were grown with Miracle Grow. When my mouth dropped open he explained that since he didn't get enough rain water to store, he was forced to use city water, so used MG acid food. Seems to work.

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