Horro, porn, related spam

Look, I hate to have to do this, but I've received a ton of E-mail on this subject from members clueing me in to this whole spam problem that's been going on for a long time.

Several members have told me that they own two E-mail addresses - one used on Dave's Garden, the other used on "a different site". The Dave's Garden address has yet to receive any spam, while the "different site" address is basically unusable now with all the spam.

The conclusion: Using GardenWeb will get you all the spam you can eat, and more.

The solution: If you really want to stop this spam, the only thing you can do is change your E-mail address and never post with that address on Gardenweb again. Your address is 100% protected here at Dave's Garden, and I can offer you a personal guarantee that you will never be spammed from anyone finding your address here.

I just want to give everyone the clear facts..


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