Zucchetta Tromba d'Albenga

Decatur, GA

I got some seeds for this squash as a substitute for zucchini because it is much less susceptible to squash vine borer. So far its growing well and making large squash. I haven't tried one yet.
Does anyone have experience with this plant/squash? I will try and get a picture.

Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Been wanting to grow this squash for several years and never seem to get around to ordering the seed. I'd love to see photos. My understanding is it is picked young for a summer squash substitute and mature as a winter squash. If you have extra seed and would like to trade for something please DM. I have no official trade list but have some interesting seed.


Magnolia, TX(Zone 9a)

Some love em, some dont. Leave til golden for a winter squash, green abt 6-8" long and how are you going to know if ya like em if you dont try one? Can cook like regular squashes...many ways.

Decatur, GA

The first picture is a baby squash and maybe one where the flower hasn't even opened yet. I picked it and ate it - yummy.
The other one is big and has been on the vine at least a month. I will try and leave it but the third picture shows what happens when I leave things in the garden too long. I have terrible trouble with critters. I can't grow a tomatoes unless its in a cage.

Thumbnail by helenchild Thumbnail by helenchild Thumbnail by helenchild
Southern NJ, United States(Zone 7a)

I have also grown cucuzzi, which is a gourd that tastes a lot like a summer squash. Those are climbers and might be out of reach for your critters. The skin is fuzzy, although that seems to disappear when cooked. But the skin is also a bit less tender than summer squash skin and I don't like it as well. Zucchetta rampicante is another good choice if squash vine borers are a problem; unfortunately I am blessed with squash bugs as well, and they seem to love any squash-like plant.

Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Looks like a good one, Helen. As for the butternut, my guess is a rat. They are fond of winter squash. It's always something, isn't it?

Springfield, OR(Zone 8a)

Cool pictures of the zucchetta Helen. Real bummer about the butternut, though; critter certainly did some major damage. I hope you had other fruits on that vine.

Decatur, GA

Thanks for the commiserations 13Turtles. I did get a lot of butternuts but the rats/chipmunk/whatever ruined about 6. The pictured one here was actually eaten out from underneath too. But some others just had a few bites so I salvaged what I could and ate what was left. Tasty. ^_^

Springfield, OR(Zone 8a)

Yup, butternut is my favorite squash.

SE Houston (Hobby), TX(Zone 9a)

Tatume squash has a denser vine, I hear. The SVB don't like boring into it as much. Highly recommended for our area...

Irving, TX(Zone 8a)

Tatume has a very fine vine. The great thing about this variety is that there are roots developed almost every 2 leaves. In this way if the SVB get into the trunk, it will not killer the entire plant but only a portion.
The "moschata" varieties have been great this year (much better than Tatume). Their trunk is so large that the SVB coul tunneled inside with no problem and the plant did still survive. Also, I was able to finally identify the SVB behavior and I was easily able to take it out from the plant. I must have sliced open the Butternut variety at least 10 times and the plant is still alive !

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