More ways to say Loess

Lake Stevens, WA(Zone 8a)

Summer doldrums threads.
Here is a question for you-
How do you pronounce "loess"?
A long time ago, I heard a funny thing from a Soil Science professor. He was a true southerner. In between spitting in a spitoon, he gave us about a dozen current pronunciations in use. He would not tell us that one was correct.
Luss (he mostly used this).
Lerse (perhaps my favorite)
there were more, but I can't recall them.
Anybody know any more? How do you pronounce it (or maybe you avoid saying it because you don't know how?)
Resin-how do people pronounce it in the Queen's English? (is it proper to say "Queen's English"?)

Northumberland, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Never heard it spoken! I suppose I'd probably say "low-ess", but it's probably wrong to do so. As far as I know, it's from German Löss and should be pronounced accordingly.


Walkerton, VA(Zone 7a)

I've only heard it spoken once. It was pronounced low'ess. This in an ecology class I took as an undergraduate biology major.

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