Not able to edit

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

I was on the Midatlantic forums this morning and noticed that I was not able to edit my comment. I got an error message instead. I checked again with another comment and was not able to edit that one, either.

Trying to edit to see if it works.

This message was edited Aug 2, 2014 9:36 AM

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

I also experienced this just now again. I got this message
Database error: Invalid SQL: update t_content set body = 'HAVE peach colored fancy iris, 'High Spiirited or High Society' I forget but will check name- 2 WANT RESERVED Corydalis cheilanthifolia for Seq Chaste tree to Catbird Maypop vine potted , Hyperion DL-- for ssgardener give baby Mahonia bealei to Holly for friend This message was edited Jul 15, 2014 11:18 AM This message was edited Aug 1, 2014 9:20 PM' where poster = 'sallyg' and pid = '9892726'

Read more:

MySQL Error: 1064 (You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'High Spiirited or High Society' I forget but will check name- 2 WANT RESER' at line 1)

Read more:

Thanks fro your attention

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

I think the forum edit has been fixed. Sally, I will have to check on your report.

San Gerardo de Rivas, Costa Rica(Zone 12b)

I was not able to edit my post either. It was the ID Forum just now.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

sorry, Terry, mine failed again too- I just tried again

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

I just edited my original comment here, so it's working for me. I'm going to try it on another forum to make sure.

This message was edited Aug 2, 2014 10:48 AM

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

Ugh. I just tried to edit in the MidAtlantic forum and couldn't. I got the same error message.

San Gerardo de Rivas, Costa Rica(Zone 12b)

Seems like this problem is inconsistent or else in the process of being fixed. A few hours after I posted my comment above, I was able to edit the same thread I could not earlier.


This message was edited Aug 3, 2014 9:44 PM

Albuquerque, NM(Zone 7a)

Me too. I was unable to edit posts in Pull Up a Chair. And when I hit Send in the
message area the post disappeared. Happened three times.

SE Houston (Hobby), TX(Zone 9a)

Can't edit on the Vegetable Gardens forum....

Follow Dave's Garden

Editing your post

Communities > Forums

Database error: Invalid SQL: update t_content set body = 'This is a test to see it the edit function is far, so good. Let's see what happens when I hit the send button. .. This message was edited Aug 2, 2014 5:19 PM' where poster = 'Gymgirl' and pid = '9908834'
MySQL Error: 1064 (You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 's see what happens when I hit the send button. .. This message was edited Au' at line 1)

Session halted.

Albuquerque, NM(Zone 7a)

The edit problem seems to be fixed now. Thanks, Terry.

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

The problem is still not fixed in the Mid Atlantic forums as of Sunday afternoon.

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

Gymgirl, my test worked fine. It is beneath yours.

Albuquerque, NM(Zone 7a)

Mine did not work once today but did on the second try.

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

I just tried it again. Mid Atlantic forums still not letting me edit.

I tried 3 times.

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

ssgardener, I logged in as you and I was able to edit your post in a thread in the Mid-Atlantic forum. I would suggest clearing your cache; it sounds like something is "stuck" in there.

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

I just cleared my cache and tried it again. Still not able to edit. Btw, I'm on a Mac using chrome.

This message was edited Aug 3, 2014 11:16 PM

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

I just tried another browser (Firefox) that I don't normally use and am still not able to edit. I'm getting the same error message.

I was able to edit the above message on this forum, but only on the second try.

Edit: trying editing again.

This message was edited Aug 3, 2014 11:18 PM

Edit 2: This edit went through on the first try.

This message was edited Aug 3, 2014 11:18 PM

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

I'm able to edit SOME of my comments in the Mid At forum. I need to edit a swap related comment but I keep getting the error message.

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

Which post are you trying to edit? If you'd prefer, you can start a helpdesk ticket with us here:

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

Terry, I just tried sending bug report using that link, and got a database error comment:

Database error: Invalid SQL: insert into t_content (poster, date, body, tid, pid, ts) values ('ssgardener',now(),'I'm not able to edit this comment: I'm able to edit some of the other comments on this forum and other forums. Thank you!','1370801','','1')
MySQL Error: 1064 (You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'm not able to edit this comment:' at line 1)

Can you start a bug report for me?
The comment I'm trying to report is this one:

SE Houston (Hobby), TX(Zone 9a)

I tried to edit my post right above where you told me the edit was fixed...

Database error: Invalid SQL: update t_content set body = 'This is a test to see it the edit function is working... This is a test to see if the edit function is working better now that they've fixed it... This message was edited Aug 4, 2014 7:24 AM' where poster = 'Gymgirl' and pid = '9908834'
MySQL Error: 1064 (You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 've fixed it... This message was edited Aug 4, 2014 7:24 AM' where poste' at line 1)

Session halted.

Read more:

SE Houston (Hobby), TX(Zone 9a)

I think I'm on to something here.

I read through the error message above, and the second to last line says to "...check....for the right syntax to use near 've fixed it..."

So, I went back to the post, and edited the word "they've" to "they have" and the edit worked.

Have the techs zero in to why the system seems to be rejecting contractions....that could be a clue as to why certain posts are taking the edits and some are not -- contractions....

Who knew this could be like carbon dioxide vs. oxygen in the "Andromeda Strain?"


SE Houston (Hobby), TX(Zone 9a)

I just successfully edited this post which contains the contraction "hadn't". It didn't stop the edit at all.

So, zero in on contractions with 've in them....looks like the system doesn't like this string anymore...

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

It's not contractions, but it's the single quote that we use in contractions and other places; I've sent them a note to have them figure out what broke in the old code (which had some quirky coding so the system could automatically insert single quotes around cultivar names.

SE Houston (Hobby), TX(Zone 9a)


SE Houston (Hobby), TX(Zone 9a)

Uh, I just tried to edit a post, and it's not working, again....

SE Houston (Hobby), TX(Zone 9a)

When I clicked on the edit button, I was directed to a blank box. My original post wasn't there, nor was the edit window toward the bottom.

I had to go back to the original message, and cut and paste that post into the blank edit box.

Then, I prayed I wouldn't lose everything I had posted, before I edited and hit the send button...


test editing by Terry

This message was edited Aug 14, 2014 9:30 AM

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

GYMGIRL, I just logged in as you and was able to edit your post successfully. That may indicate a browser/caching error. Try a different browser and/or clearing your cache.

SE Houston (Hobby), TX(Zone 9a)

How do I clear my cache?

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

What browser are you using?

SE Houston (Hobby), TX(Zone 9a)


SE Houston (Hobby), TX(Zone 9a)


Which items do I need to delete from the cache? I have several options available to delete.

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

I really can't tell you what you need to delete from your cache, other than

San Leandro, CA(Zone 9b)

I haven't been able to edit my PlantFile descriptions yesterday and now I can't edit my new plant entry title. I inadvertently added a period at the end and wanted to delete that period. I can't. Any help would be appreciated.

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

Did you report it as an error in PlantFiles? If not, what entry?

San Leandro, CA(Zone 9b)

Yesterday I reported my inablilty to edit my descriptions on 3 or 4 entries; some as a bug and some as an error. I asked the moderator to please fix them before I forget about them. Today the one on the new plant entry I did not.

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

I logged in as you and confirmed the edits did not register with PlantFiles. I'll let the techs know that is still buggy. (And I fixed your entry in the interim.)

San Leandro, CA(Zone 9b)


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