journal broken

Today I can't move out of my default journal to my other journals. Help please.

Still can't get out of my default journal. Is anyone else having this problem?

Athens, PA

I am having this problem too and I am getting no responses. Are you?

Yes, I got a message to admin a couple of days ago. They are working on it.

I can get in or was left in my plant journal on my iPad.

I still can't get out of my default journal on my laptop. I only have a mini ipad to use so not great, but something. If you go to look at your journal from the public side you should be able to view it, but can't change anything.

Portland, OR

I am kinda panicking, I can't access any of my journal info! I really needed it today specifically! What the heck? If it is gone forever I am going to freak out. I have years of pictures and info in it. Would someone from admin please respond and tell me you are fixing it?

Athens, PA

Echoes - that is the problem that I am having as well. I cannot get out of my default journal either.

I am wondering what to do if they don't fix the journals as well. One of my main reasons for continuing my subscription with DG is because of the journal.

I am still confident they will fix this. Carolyn, you don't have to be a subscriber to have your journal. You see ads on the page, but it's not too bad. I let mine lapse a few weeks ago. Not sure I'll pay for a sub again although it is strange to be without after all the years I've been on here..

Carolyn, here you can just view your journal

dirttiger, you can view yours too, if you open it in the privacy setting.

As I mentioned, I am able to get into my other journals with an ipad, so have a little more patience. If they don't fix it soon, we'll round up the horses and head out in a posse.

Athens, PA


I did not know I could access my journal without the subscription. I may need to rethink this.

Thank you, for your help in viewing my journal. My problem though is that I cannot add or delete. I have set up several journals for different things and it will not let me change my default journal, nor will it let me add anything into the journal with the garden plants.

Years ago, I kept everything on my computer and it crashed. I lost all my photos and spreadsheets. I am thinking I may go back to that, but back up my journalling.

Thank you again for the link.


I know you can't edit it from an outside view, but at least we can see our records in all our journals for now. Sure hope they fix this mess soon.

Athens, PA

I just sent a dmail to Terry. Hopefully this problem with the broken journals will be fixed soon. I am wondering how many journals are involved.

(Sallie) Cherry Vall, IL(Zone 5a)

I've found several other problems with my journal. Since I only have a single journal, however, I'm not seeing the problem being discussed here. I suspect that the problems affect all journals, since the programming/code used would be the same for all.

Royal Oak, MI(Zone 6a)

I tried to send a bug email the other day about not being able to sort my journal with the table headers... and kept getting errors for that. Now I can sort but can't get out of my default journal :( I really hope they get this fixed soon.

(Sallie) Cherry Vall, IL(Zone 5a)

Eleven - People are posting bug reports in the "Dave's Garden" forum. There are a couple of reports about the email problem and editing comments in forums. Both were related to a problem with apostrophes/single quotes in text. It appears that that problem has been fixed... at least mostly.

I'm not sure if someone mentioned the moving between journals problem there. You might try re-posting in "Dave's Garden", as that forum is the one monitored for bug reports.

Athens, PA

I just tried moving between journals and it still does not work. I did send a dmail to Terry several days ago and have not gotten a response there either.

I am getting to a point where I am so done with this.

(Sallie) Cherry Vall, IL(Zone 5a)

Carolyn22- I'm sure that problem is the number 1 priority now, as it's serious! They've fixed several problems just in the last 3 days, so (as they told me) "Hang in there".

I really love this site. Besides gardening, my hobbies include collecting CDs and DVDs. I belong to database sites to manage my collections for both, but neither offers anywhere near the options- especially for user configurability- as Dave's Garden. It's unfortunate that the many problems suddenly appeared, but I still am recommending it to my gardening friends.

Athens, PA


I have been here a long time too and I understand what you are saying. I don't think it is what it used to be and part of that is not DG's fault - it is the general atmosphere.

I do have other hobbies as well. I have a vast library of DVD's of old hollywood movies. I set up my own library for my DVD's. I have been thinking I should be looking at that for my garden journaling as well.

What really suprised me, was I put a question out there on a gardening forum in FB as to what most people do in regards to their journaling and I was quite surprised by the number of people that said they keep it in their head. I like to see the progress from year to year in my journals. I tend to be a bit OCD about some things though.

Keep the faith.

(Sallie) Cherry Vall, IL(Zone 5a)

Off-topic, I know, but I love Mae West and W.C. Fields movies :-)

I've been corresponding with "melody" about journal problems, and the last thing I mentioned was that the problem of not being able to switch between journals was probably the most serious issue. Hopefully it will be fixed soon!

I also sent you a D-Mail.

Athens, PA


I like Mae West and WC Fields too - but I would have to add hoards of others as well. When I started with my Golden Age of Hollywood library, little did I know that it would take over. I love movies from the 30's, 40's and 50's. I love the actors, the clothing, the hair, the screen sets with the art deco looks.

I have a busy evening tonight, but will try to respond to your dmail. If not, then it will be tomorrow.

I did hear from Terry as well.

Thank you so much.

My journal is functioning again. As far as I can tell after a brief excursion, all is well and I can move from journal to journal.

This message was edited Aug 7, 2014 4:39 PM

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