Help please! Storm w/70mph gusts blew over our corn...

Fowlerville, MI(Zone 5b)

Help please.... A storm with strong wind gusts blew over my Golden Bantam corn that is about 6' tall.
The whole patch is roughly at a 45 degree angle now, and some of the large roots just below the ground are exposed. Is there a way to save the patch?? We tried to just stand a few up, but they fell right back over. :(

Any suggestions on how to save them would be greatly appreciated. Good thing is, the ground is well watered, and the corn served as a wind break for the rest of the garden, so the corn is the only damage I've found.
The corn patch is roughly 55' x 20'. Our daughter in the picture is 5'3" tall.

Thanks for your help, DG family.

Thumbnail by Glenda_Michigan
Powder Springs, GA(Zone 7b)

A lot of it will upright itself when the sun comes out for a few days.

Saylorsburg, PA(Zone 6a)

Sorry to hear about your corn woes. The only thing I can think of is to get some good string or cord and some stakes, prop up the corn and run the string along the row to hold up the corn, then stamp down on the soil where the roots have come up to get them back down. Since stakes can be expensive maybe you can put one at each end of the rows and then tie the string to the actual corn along the row as you prop it up (Use the corn as a stake). You will probably have to stagger some stakes along such a long row as well. How tall is the corn. You may have to tie in several tiers of string depending on its height. Kind of like I do with my tomatoes. Other than that I can't think how you would make them stand up and stay up. It will be a lot of string with 55 ft x 20 plus all the rows. Good luck!

Fowlerville, MI(Zone 5b)

Thanks so much! I appreciate your help!

Anna, IL(Zone 6b)

I'm thinking along the same line as hcmcdole - When the sun shines on the corn for a few days, it should pretty well right itself, and stand back up.

Hope so!

Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

How do things look today, Glenda?

Pueblo, CO(Zone 5b)

I would worry about pressing the roots back into the soil, or hilling dirt over them, and let the tops sort themselves out.

Camanche, IA(Zone 5a)

When my corn was flatten in a wind storm, I went down the row with a hole, a friend held up the corn and I piled up dirt from the middle of the row, All corn is still growing and next week will be picking the sweet corn. Hope you made out ok, with your corn. Phil

Fowlerville, MI(Zone 5b)

Good news! After a few days of rain, the sun came out and 3 days later all of my corn was standing tall!! WHEW!! I was absolutely amazed that they could do that, assuming that the cantilevered weight would be too much for them to be able to stand back up....but they did!
A M A Z I N G! :)

Thanks for your help everyone! (((cyber hug ;) )))

Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Eat a few ears for me.

Fowlerville, MI(Zone 5b)

Youbetcha, Laurel!! ;-)

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