Plant ID and my Amorphs

Mountain View, HI

Hope this is the right forum for and ID on the first two pics. Leaves are 2-3 feet long. Bloom is a good size too. If wrong forum I'll go to plant ID.
Also wanted to share the Bulbafils and Sauromatums

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noonamah, Australia

The first two are Anthuriums. If you google Anthurium images you'll get pages of them. There's a lot, and some look fairly similar. It'll keep you busy for a while trying to work them out. You're getting quite a collection of bulbifers there, they multiply very fast. I let some into the garden and now there's a huge number of little ones come up all over the place. The current scientific name for Sauromatum is now Typhonium. I have some Typhoniums here but apparently those are about to be put into the new genus Lazarum.

Mountain View, HI

I think I'll give up looking for names. I'm totally confused.

The middle pic is the Bulbifil. They don't seem as invasive as the last too pics which are the Sauromatum or is Typhonium or is it Lazarum or tomorrow it might be ...... I'm going to start throwing those seedlings in the trash.

The Anthurium is cupulispathum and the last two photos are Sauromatum venosum. Tropic, they moved it out of Typhonium and it's now back to Sauromatum once again.

Mountain View, HI

Am I in the right forum for this one. Locally we know it as a dry land Taro

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