Mint suffering.

York, United Kingdom

The new growth on my mints is suddenly getting spots then distorted growth. It's affecting my Lamb mint, Spearmint and Chocolate peppermint, all of them are in plastic troughs. It's not affecting all the tips but a lot of them.

Any idea what the problem is ?

Thanks !

Thumbnail by Mikeyyork Thumbnail by Mikeyyork
Contra Costa County, CA(Zone 9b)

I suspect a pest is working on the buds before they open. This can injure the leaf so that when it expands it is not the right shape. I also see the black dots in the first picture. Could be bug poop.

York, United Kingdom

I thought that. If you look at the damage from the The Four-Lined Plant Bug it looks identical, but i don't think we get those here (UK). Ive preened over all the plants and besides a few whitefly i can't see any bugs.
I have some ginger/berries and cream mint in pots and they aren't suffering the same, plus i noticed flecks of moss starting to grow on the compost in the troughs so i think the problem is over watering.
I've let them dry out a bit and they are recovering now. The black specks are leaf damage.


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