Bug found on my Prayer Plant

New York City, NY

I found a fuzzy little white bug on the stem of my prayer plant this morning. She's an indoor plant and I never open the windows so I'm wondering how that thing even got there. I saw one last week on the underside of a leaf on the same plant, too. I looked it up. Is this a mealy bug?

Help! How do I make sure there aren't anymore? I removed the two I saw.

My plant has one new shoot that's about to unfurl soon and I noticed that this shoot seems unlike the others: pale, yellowish and I can swear the top edge of the shoot is soft and turning light brown? Could these bugs be what's causing this? The plant looks healthy otherwise. It's had many new shoots since I received it last month.

Santa Ana, CA(Zone 10b)

If you purchased it yourself, try to return it. The plant probably had larva in the soil. Yes, mealies can cause those symptoms, and they're very hard to eradicate, unless you resort to a systemic pesticide
A Q-tip dipped in alcohol will kill the ones you can see.

Contra Costa County, CA(Zone 9b)

Mealy bugs are as you describe: White, sort of fuzzy, really a bit more waxy. Use the q-tip and alcohol as needed. The moment you see another.

You might also look especially well into the folds of the stems, where the leaves join. Any little hiding place.

New York City, NY

Occarol: I got it online from Hirts Garden ... I doubt they'll give me my money back at this point. I'm a little afraid of using a systematic pesticide but maybe I might have to do that. I want the plant to survive. I love this plant. In any case, here's a picture of that weird shoot.

Thumbnail by GardenNovice64
Contra Costa County, CA(Zone 9b)

How about a picture of the pest?

It does look like something different about that shoot. The flowers grow on 'different' sort of shoots, but somehow this does not look like a flower getting started.

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