CLOSED: Foxgloves

Staten Island, NY(Zone 6a)

Any one has foxglove seeds to spare., I lost my plant from last season , do not know if the winter was too harsh for it.I have Zinnias , marigolds and petunia seeds I Can trade with you .

Büllingen, Belgium(Zone 6b)

If you mean Digitalis purpurea: that's a biennal or short lived perennial. It will self seed for sure if they set seed last year.

Lincoln, NH(Zone 4a)

I have foxglove seeds to spare. I have strawberry and just the regular violet ones. Dmail me to send my an envelope if you want them

Colorado Springs, CO(Zone 5b)

I don't have any seeds but I thought I had lost my foxglove this last winter also. Suddenly this week, so late in the season, foxglove foliage has appeared about a foot away from the original plant. It has been an odd growing season. Check again and maybe yours are coming in also? I hope you get your seeds though!

Staten Island, NY(Zone 6a)

Yes you are correct,I picked up a seedling thinking it was a petunia and put it in a hanging basket , then days later I realized it was a foxglove .I put it in the garden bed and it is doing fine, but I do not think it will flower for me this season.Thanks I did receive lots of seeds .

Colorado Springs, CO(Zone 5b)

I don't think mine will bloom this season either. I don't feel there is enough time but maybe they will root enough for next season. Such weird weather this year so my flowers aren't sure what they are supposed to do. Glad you got your seeds!

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